{"id":10955,"date":"2022-01-30T20:16:30","date_gmt":"2022-01-30T20:16:30","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/azpregnancyhelp.com\/?p=10955"},"modified":"2022-04-22T20:07:39","modified_gmt":"2022-04-22T20:07:39","slug":"issues-of-adoption-birth-mother-matters-in-adoption-episode-71-making-a-hospital-plan-during-covid-19","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/azpregnancyhelp.com\/issues-of-adoption-birth-mother-matters-in-adoption-episode-71-making-a-hospital-plan-during-covid-19\/","title":{"rendered":"Birth Mother Matters in Adoption Episode #71 – Making a Hospital Plan During COVID-19"},"content":{"rendered":"
Ron Reigns:<\/p>\n
Welcome. And thank you for joining us on Birth Mother Matters in Adoption with Kelly Rourke-Scarry and me, Ron Reigns, where we delve into the issues of adoption from every angle of the adoption triad.<\/p>\n
Kelly Rourke-Scarry:<\/p>\n
Doing what\u2019s best for your kid and for yourself. Because if you can\u2019t take care of yourself, you\u2019re definitely not going to be able to take care of that kid. And that\u2019s not fair.<\/p>\n
Speaker 3:<\/p>\n
And I know that my daughter would be well taken care of with them.<\/p>\n
Speaker 4:<\/p>\n
Don\u2019t have an abortion, give this child a chance.<\/p>\n
Speaker 5:<\/p>\n
All I could think about was needing to save my son.<\/p>\n
Kelly Rourke-Scarry:<\/p>\n
My name is Kelly Rourke-Scarry. I am the Executive Director, President and Co-Founder of Building Arizona Families\u2019 adoption agency, the Donna K. Evans Foundation and creator of the You Before Me campaign. I have a bachelor\u2019s degree in family studies and human development and a master\u2019s degree in education with an emphasis in school counseling. I was adopted at the age of three days, born to a teen birth mother, raised in a closed adoption and reunited with my birth mother in 2007. I have worked in the adoption field for over 15 years.<\/p>\n
Ron Reigns:<\/p>\n
And I\u2019m Ron Reigns. I\u2019ve worked in radio since 1999. I was the Co-Host of two successful morning shows in Prescott, Arizona. Now I work for my wife, who\u2019s an adoption attorney, and I\u2019m able to combine these two great passions and share them on this podcast.<\/p>\n
Kelly Rourke-Scarry:<\/p>\n
During the COVID pandemic\u2026 I think I always alternate between COVID 19 and coronavirus, because it seems that\u2019s what everybody is doing-<\/p>\n
Ron Reigns:<\/p>\n
Kelly Rourke-Scarry:<\/p>\n
You want to make sure that you use both. People who refer to it as one can resonate with that, and you\u2019re not leaving somebody out. So I go back and forth and I\u2019m not sure why we all do that, but we\u2019re doing that.<\/p>\n
Ron Reigns:<\/p>\n
The precedent\u2019s been set, so let\u2019s follow it.<\/p>\n
Kelly Rourke-Scarry:<\/p>\n
Let\u2019s follow it. Let\u2019s jump in. Be part of the crowd. All right.<\/p>\n
Kelly Rourke-Scarry:<\/p>\n
Birth mothers have a really big job to do when they are proceeding and making an adoption plan. We\u2019ve talked about hospital plans in the past. A hospital plan is where a birth mother sits with her case worker and makes an outline of how she wants everything to go at the hospital.<\/p>\n
Kelly Rourke-Scarry:<\/p>\n
It\u2019s a detailed plan so that we know what our role is. We can explain to the adoptive parent case manager what their role is, and we can let the hospital social worker and the hospital staff know what their role is. So everybody understands whether birth mom wants to hold the baby after she delivers right away, who she wants to cut the cord, who she wants to be in the delivery room, who she wants to be her primary support person, if she winds up having a C-section, who\u2019s going to be the one to go in with her. We lay this out, so that we all have an idea of where she\u2019s going with it.<\/p>\n
Kelly Rourke-Scarry:<\/p>\n
It changes all the time: Our birth mom may go into the hospital and she may say, \u201cWait, I want to do it like this instead\u201d, or \u201cwait, wait, wait, I want to change this\u201d. And that\u2019s totally fine. It\u2019s just a guideline and a starting place. But it\u2019s a big deal, because in the hospital, that\u2019s where a birth mom is the star, it\u2019s her show\u2026 We want her to feel that. We want to feel that special, heroic feeling-<\/p>\n
Ron Reigns:<\/p>\n
that empowered\u2026<\/p>\n
Ron Reigns:<\/p>\n
Kelly Rourke-Scarry:<\/p>\n
And unfortunately, this is now all changed due to coronavirus\/ COVID-19. It has absolutely taken away a lot of that glory and heroicness that they get to experience in that moment.<\/p>\n
Kelly Rourke-Scarry:<\/p>\n
Now it doesn\u2019t take away from the adoption experience, per se, entirely. It does take away from that time-<\/p>\n
Ron Reigns:<\/p>\n
It takes away her control, correct?<\/p>\n
Kelly Rourke-Scarry:<\/p>\n
Her control of deciding\u2026 And we\u2019re going to go through the decision-making\u2026 It takes away a lot\u2026 It minimizes her choices. It minimizes her choices.<\/p>\n
Kelly Rourke-Scarry:<\/p>\n
So what I thought we would do, Ron, is: We would step back and try to bring the positives into the situation that we\u2019re in. Because right now, when we\u2019re looking at a hospital plan and we\u2019re looking at birth moms and how this is negatively affecting them\u2026 Life\u2019s a roller coaster: When you go up, you come down, you go up, you come down\u2026 I know I\u2019ve made the reference before, in the movie Parenthood with Steve Martin, the grandmother talks about how she likes the up and downs and she doesn\u2019t just want to go on the merry-go-round. I always think of that, because it\u2019s true. I too wouldn\u2019t want to go on a merry-go-round. I\u2019d rather, I don\u2019t like roller coasters in actuality, but, in theory, I like roller coasters.<\/p>\n
Kelly Rourke-Scarry:<\/p>\n
I think there\u2019s so much negativity with the coronavirus and COVID-19 and I agree with it. It\u2019s killing people, it\u2019s destroying our economy, people are not able to work\u2026 They\u2019re at home\u2026 Kids are not able to go to school\u2026 There is a lot of negativity that is around it. It\u2019s a really hard time. It\u2019s unprecedented\u2026 We\u2019re scared. We don\u2019t know what\u2019s going to happen next. We don\u2019t know when the country\u2019s going to open back up\u2026 What that\u2019s going to look like. Are we going to be wearing masks the rest of our lives? We don\u2019t know what\u2019s going to go on.<\/p>\n
Kelly Rourke-Scarry:<\/p>\n
I thought, \u201cOkay, let\u2019s try to find a light in this tunnel. Let\u2019s let\u2019s try to\u2026 And then, let\u2019s talk about the choices that birth mothers still get to make in their hospital plan.\u201d Even during COVID-19.<\/p>\n
Kelly Rourke-Scarry:<\/p>\n
One thing that I was thinking about is\u2026 Did you see the picture of Switzerland Matterhorn mountain? Which, by the way, is a rollercoaster at one of the big parks-<\/p>\n
Ron Reigns:<\/p>\n
At Disneyland.<\/p>\n
Ron Reigns:<\/p>\n
I hadn\u2019t seen the picture until you sent it to me. And then I started seeing it after that. I\u2019m like, \u201cThis is cool. That is very neat.\u201d<\/p>\n
Kelly Rourke-Scarry:<\/p>\n
What was your first response when you saw the picture?<\/p>\n
Ron Reigns:<\/p>\n
It just felt good\u2026 Like we\u2019re all coming together. Almost like after 9\/11, we all said, \u201cWe\u2019re a nation again.\u201d Now this is saying: \u201cWe\u2019re a world, people. Let\u2019s get together and celebrate each other.\u201d<\/p>\n
Kelly Rourke-Scarry:<\/p>\n
Absolutely. So the fact that they illuminated the mountain with the American flag for a few hours as a symbol of solidarity during the 4\/17\/2020\u2026 I thought it made us united, for a moment or for a few moments\u2026 There was cohesiveness.<\/p>\n
Kelly Rourke-Scarry:<\/p>\n
And that positive\u2026 We all talk about: \u201cWe want world peace. We want this.\u201d Well, for a moment, we have it. Hopefully we\u2019ll get a lot more of those.<\/p>\n
Kelly Rourke-Scarry:<\/p>\n
The fact that South Korea has committed to mailing us COVID-19 tests\u2026 I think that\u2019s incredible, too.<\/p>\n
Ron Reigns:<\/p>\n
Amazing\u2026 The world coming together over this travesty that\u2019s affecting pretty much every nation in the world, it seems like.<\/p>\n
Kelly Rourke-Scarry:<\/p>\n
Right. China\u2019s donating masks and protective gear. I have to say\u2026<\/p>\n
Kelly Rourke-Scarry:<\/p>\n
When this first started, I went\u2026 I know we\u2019re going to talk about parenting in another podcast\u2026 But I went online and I was actually reading blogs and statements from mothers in Italy that were quarantining, completely isolated with their kids, just like we\u2019re doing here\u2026 And just because I thought, \u201cOkay, this mama has walked it before me. I want to understand everything she did right, everything she felt she did wrong. So I can\u2026 She can help me without even knowing me-<\/p>\n
Ron Reigns:<\/p>\n
Leading by example.<\/p>\n
Kelly Rourke-Scarry:<\/p>\n
Yeah. I thought that was really neat that, in society today, we can get on social media and we can have those experiences. As you stated, we are, as a nation and hopefully as a world, becoming more united.<\/p>\n
Kelly Rourke-Scarry:<\/p>\n
I love it when we can use the word united in United States. That\u2019s what it\u2019s for. Because we\u2019re united, we\u2019re all together. I love that\u2026 I love that the people, that we have not recognized as heroes per se and shown due respect for these frontline workers, are now finally getting what they have deserved.<\/p>\n
Kelly Rourke-Scarry:<\/p>\n
Nurses are finally being appreciated, whereas before they were looked at as just doctor\u2019s assistants and they didn\u2019t get their MD and so forth. I have a very, very close friend\u2026 She\u2019s actually the godmother of my youngest son. She told me the other day she had to go into a local store and she was still in her scrubs from the hospital, because she had just gotten off of her shift.<\/p>\n
Kelly Rourke-Scarry:<\/p>\n
And she said that there was a line, because they\u2019re only allowing so many people to go into the store. She said that they allowed her to walk ahead and go into the store right away. And she said, \u201cI felt so funny doing that.\u201d And I told her, \u201cno, no, no you deserve it.\u201d<\/p>\n
Ron Reigns:<\/p>\n
Kelly Rourke-Scarry:<\/p>\n
\u201cI promise you, everybody standing in that line would not want you to wait. I promise you that they would probably be clapping for you if they didn\u2019t want to feel silly and they wanted you to move on ahead.\u201d<\/p>\n
Kelly Rourke-Scarry:<\/p>\n
I think we are finally recognizing how important teachers are and there was a big Red for ED movement and people were not unitedly positive and supportive. I think now that may very well change. I know that when the kids get to go back to school, I will be sending gifts and putting bows on my children\u2019s heads\u2026 They\u2019ll be carrying in flowers for their teacher and everything else, because I don\u2019t ever want them to not teach my children again.<\/p>\n
Ron Reigns:<\/p>\n
Right\u2026. And take care of them for that matter.<\/p>\n
Ron Reigns:<\/p>\n
I saw a post on Facebook and it really brought this home, because it said, \u201cfinally we\u2019re at a point in our society\u2026 Because of the coronavirus, where we are not celebrating the actors, celebrities, sports heroes and all this right now, we\u2019re celebrating the teachers, the nurses, the doctors, the first responders in this coronavirus epidemic-<\/p>\n
Kelly Rourke-Scarry:<\/p>\n
Grocery store clerks.<\/p>\n
Ron Reigns:<\/p>\n
Absolutely\u2026 For crying out loud, the fast food employees who are still out there and doing their job and getting us food, even if it is fast food.<\/p>\n
Ron Reigns:<\/p>\n
We are thinking about the little people instead of these big, hotshot celebrities and movie moguls and stuff\u2026<\/p>\n
Kelly Rourke-Scarry:<\/p>\n
Looked at as little people, they\u2019ll be looked at as\u2026 Wherever you work, as hard as you work\u2026 What matters, what you put into it. It\u2019s not the job per se or the degree that it took to get it. I think it\u2019s your heart, mind and soul. I mean, \u201cif that\u2019s your goal, if that\u2019s what you\u2019re doing, then by all means, finally, this is a time where you can get your glory, because I tell you what\u2026\u201d I don\u2019t know that I could be a grocery clerk right now. I think I\u2019d be too scared. And that is me being candid. I really admire them.<\/p>\n
Ron Reigns:<\/p>\n
I was in Walmart with my brother-in-law and everybody gets to social distance except for the people at the\u2026 I was thinking this about the guy who was at the cash register and checking our food\u2026 He has to deal with every single person that goes through that line. And it\u2019s less than six feet for him. He can\u2019t do it from six feet, 12 feet away, he\u2019s got to be right there. Every single person that passes him, he encounters. So he\u2019s taking that risk and I appreciated it.<\/p>\n
Kelly Rourke-Scarry:<\/p>\n
A funny story on that: Right before they issued the Stay-at-Home Order and we had a little bit of time, I did my last in-person grocery store run, I haven\u2019t been to the grocery store since\u2026 I\u2019m going through, and because we have so many kids, Adam is with me and we both have carts and I am throwing food in like\u2026 I\u2019m not hoarding or totally stockpiling, but we do have six kids at home\u2026 And so there\u2019s eight of us. So we go through it really fast and I\u2019m reading on\u2026 Because I am a rule follower, I\u2019m reading all the little signs that say, \u201cmaximum quantity, two of this, two of that\u201d. I\u2019m counting it. Apparently, I misunderstood that when they said two of the cleaning products that they\u2026 I thought they meant two of each kind-<\/p>\n
Ron Reigns:<\/p>\n
Right, you get two Pine-Sols and two dish soaps-<\/p>\n
Kelly Rourke-Scarry:<\/p>\n
That\u2019s what I thought. I had gone through and thought I was following the rules and-<\/p>\n
Ron Reigns:<\/p>\n
Kelly Rourke-Scarry:<\/p>\n
The store manager came up, because I was doing the self-checkout, because I didn\u2019t want the cashier touching everything.<\/p>\n
Kelly Rourke-Scarry:<\/p>\n
I was still paranoid at that point\u2026 I\u2019m doing the self-checkout and the store manager comes up behind me and he starts going through my cart, pulling out things and telling me that I was not allowed to\u2026 I felt violated! I was embarrassed\u2026 he\u2019s going through and he\u2019s pulling stuff out and telling me I can\u2019t buy this, I can\u2019t buy this. And I felt like jeeze-<\/p>\n
Ron Reigns:<\/p>\n
Just tiny, like this big, right?<\/p>\n
Kelly Rourke-Scarry:<\/p>\n
Yeah. It was\u2026 So now I do- a<\/p>\n
Ron Reigns:<\/p>\n
Follow the rules? Oh, you do delivery? Even better! You probably don\u2019t want to go back to that store, even after this is done.<\/p>\n
Kelly Rourke-Scarry:<\/p>\n
Because it was a genuine mistake, but it was loud and there was people looking at me and I thought\u2026 I didn\u2019t\u2026<\/p>\n
Ron Reigns:<\/p>\n
Yeah, you weren\u2019t doing it to\u2026 You thought you were following the rules. Right. I understand.<\/p>\n
Kelly Rourke-Scarry:<\/p>\n
No\u2026 Then I was really afraid\u2026 This is even kind of off topic, but, because I was halfway through my order and then I looked over to my bags and I thought: \u201cOh no, because I had already had some of it\u201d. Then I thought:\u201dWell, if he goes through, he can start returning\u2026 it was a mess.\u201d<\/p>\n
Ron Reigns:<\/p>\n
Yeah, but he obviously didn\u2019t go through your bags that you had already paid or checked out-<\/p>\n
Kelly Rourke-Scarry:<\/p>\n
I didn\u2019t want to make a bigger scene and my husband\u2019s over at the other cash register, giggling, because I\u2019m busted, but it wasn\u2019t intentional to be busted\u2026<\/p>\n
Ron Reigns:<\/p>\n
You weren\u2019t grabbing 7,000 rolls of Charmin and it wasn\u2019t\u2026 Would that have meant that you get to get two things of Charmin and then two things of Scott or whatever the other brand are? [crosstalk 00:15:10]<\/p>\n
Kelly Rourke-Scarry:<\/p>\n
I knew that, but I thought\u2026 I didn\u2019t realize that you couldn\u2019t have two Fabulosos and a Windex. So it wasn\u2019t-<\/p>\n
Ron Reigns:<\/p>\n
It\u2019s one of each and that\u2019s enough\u2026 Interesting, I hadn\u2019t really given that much thought, but now I know.<\/p>\n
Kelly Rourke-Scarry:<\/p>\n
Apparently, hadn\u2019t either.<\/p>\n
Kelly Rourke-Scarry:<\/p>\n
Let\u2019s find the highlights in the changes in the hospital plan that a birth mother has to make: Sometimes when you sit down with a birth mom and you\u2019re talking about a hospital plan, it\u2019s another actualization moment for them\u2026<\/p>\n
Kelly Rourke-Scarry:<\/p>\n
When they\u2019re choosing an adoptive family, it becomes super real. They\u2019re in the moment, they\u2019re present\u2026 When they\u2019re making a hospital plan, again, in the moment present, when they first speak to the adoptive family on the phone, in the moment present\u2026<\/p>\n
Kelly Rourke-Scarry:<\/p>\n
This is one of those big moments. This is a big\u2026 I don\u2019t want to say hurdle, but it\u2019s a big jump. Oftentimes, even if you prepare them and let them know, \u201cHey, we\u2019re going to sit down and talk about it\u201d and you start asking some of the questions, they think, \u201cWow, I hadn\u2019t really thought about how I want that to go.\u201d<\/p>\n
Kelly Rourke-Scarry:<\/p>\n
We spend a lot of time talking about different scenarios and different options, but now those have really, really slimmed down. From a birth mother\u2019s perspective, I can see how it would look like a lot of lows, but you and I are going to point out the highs, so the positives would be this: In Arizona, and this is not across the United States, because I know every state has their own rules and regulations\u2026 In Arizona, a birth mother or a pregnant woman, who\u2019s laboring and delivering, can have one support person in most cases.<\/p>\n
Kelly Rourke-Scarry:<\/p>\n
This isn\u2019t a possibility for everybody, especially if a birth mother is showing symptoms of coronavirus\u2026 The limitations of visitors can be positive\u2026 If you look at it from this perspective\u2026 The birth mother, if she\u2019s allowed to have one person, can have one person in with her that is positive about her adoption choice\u2026<\/p>\n
Kelly Rourke-Scarry:<\/p>\n
She doesn\u2019t have negative feelings about adoption. Those people in her family, friends, expressing negativity, making her feel bad\u2026 They can\u2019t show up\u2026 That\u2019s a positive.<\/p>\n
Kelly Rourke-Scarry:<\/p>\n
If the hospital originally allowed three people in the room and she has a big family and wants her case worker in there and the adoptive mom, it would be hard to pick and choose. This way, there\u2019s just one. So there\u2019s just one choice\u2026 That\u2019s a positive.<\/p>\n
Kelly Rourke-Scarry:<\/p>\n
In Arizona, due to the hospital\u2019s occupancy and safety precautions, adoptive parents are not able to obtain nesting rooms. In normal situations and in most hospitals in Arizona, when we have an adoption situation, an adoptive family can have their own nesting room, which means they get their own room at the hospital and baby can go back and forth, if birth mom allows\u2026 From the adoptive family room to the birth mom\u2019s room and they can all be staying at the hospital together, in separate rooms.<\/p>\n
Kelly Rourke-Scarry:<\/p>\n
But, because that\u2019s not an option right now, the birth mother doesn\u2019t have to make the decision of whether or not she wants the baby to be in the room with the adoptive parents without offending them, without having them feel like she is giving up some of her time with the baby or robbing them of their time with the baby. And I think sometimes when you have less choices, life can seem less stressful.<\/p>\n
Ron Reigns:<\/p>\n
Yeah. It\u2019s definitely easier.<\/p>\n
Kelly Rourke-Scarry:<\/p>\n
We love to go to The Cheesecake Factory. I love The Cheesecake Factory, but I have to say their menu is overwhelming, it\u2019s like a book! Have you been there?<\/p>\n
Ron Reigns:<\/p>\n
I have not been to The Cheesecake Factory. Heard good things!<\/p>\n
Kelly Rourke-Scarry:<\/p>\n
Why haven\u2019t you been to The Cheesecake Factory?<\/p>\n
Ron Reigns:<\/p>\n
Just never have\u2026 Not a fan of the cheesecake-<\/p>\n
Kelly Rourke-Scarry:<\/p>\n
I\u2019m not either.<\/p>\n
Ron Reigns:<\/p>\n
Kelly Rourke-Scarry:<\/p>\n
But their food is really good.<\/p>\n
Ron Reigns:<\/p>\n
Okay. We will do that-<\/p>\n
Kelly Rourke-Scarry:<\/p>\n
Minus the cheesecake.<\/p>\n
Ron Reigns:<\/p>\n
But I agree with you: When you have\u2026 whether it\u2019s shampoo\u2026 you have six choices, it\u2019s like, \u201cokay, I can handle that decision\u201d\u2026 When you go in there and you see , you\u2019ve got 7,000 different things\u2026 has conditioner and shampoo and this has that\u2026 And this is for soft hair and that\u2019s too much.<\/p>\n
Ron Reigns:<\/p>\n
So if you limit that, bring that down a little bit\u2026 It does make things much easier. It makes life easier.<\/p>\n
Kelly Rourke-Scarry:<\/p>\n
A thousand percent, which is why when \u2026 a good point to bring up is\u2026 when we have birth mothers choose adoptive families, I always say the ideal number is three to five, because some agencies will flood them with 20 and we could do that, but I don\u2019t think that that\u2019s\u2026 It\u2019s overwhelming. It\u2019s too much.<\/p>\n
Kelly Rourke-Scarry:<\/p>\n
So look at three to five. If you don\u2019t like any of them, then we\u2019ll bring in some more. But rather than go through all of them\u2026 You could be going through hundreds of these\u2026 And I think it would just be confusing and stressful.<\/p>\n
Kelly Rourke-Scarry:<\/p>\n
Maybe this will eliminate some of that stress. If a birth mother is exhibiting any coronavirus symptoms, she will most likely be tested right at the hospital.<\/p>\n
Kelly Rourke-Scarry:<\/p>\n
This is awesome, because then she doesn\u2019t have to go through the process of going to the testing site, making the appointment prior, having to wait there, having to go through all\u2026 It\u2019s a one stop shop.<\/p>\n
Kelly Rourke-Scarry:<\/p>\n
I thought that was a positive\u2026 Doctors and nurses are normally very, very, very kind, very compassionate. But I think right now everybody is going the extra mile, especially understanding that this is not the norm in an adoption situation and a birth mother does not have the people surrounding her that she normally would. I think getting that extra love, care and support from the nursing staff and the doctors is a positive.<\/p>\n
Ron Reigns:<\/p>\n
I think so, too. Do you have any specific stories? Because you deal with this on a daily basis for\u2026in some things\u2026 have you heard any particular stories that you\u2019re like:\u201dWow, that is neat!\u201d<\/p>\n
Kelly Rourke-Scarry:<\/p>\n
Yes. We had a mom that we believed, or the hospital believed, had symptoms and they tested her and I thought they were rapid testing. It\u2019s almost like a pregnancy test, but no, it takes 24 hours at least, sometimes even longer.<\/p>\n
Kelly Rourke-Scarry:<\/p>\n
So she didn\u2019t get to hold the baby right away or even see the baby, because she was quarantined until her test came back.<\/p>\n
Kelly Rourke-Scarry:<\/p>\n
They kept coming in and checking on her. And I think at one point they took her phone and took a picture with her phone\u2026 Of the baby\u2026 So that she could see and they let her know how the baby was doing and kept giving her updates more frequently than normal. I think that was really kind-<\/p>\n
Ron Reigns:<\/p>\n
That\u2019s very kind.<\/p>\n
Kelly Rourke-Scarry:<\/p>\n
Goodness. And she tested negative, so that was positive\u2026<\/p>\n
Ron Reigns:<\/p>\n
It was positive that she was negative. Right. Got it.<\/p>\n
Kelly Rourke-Scarry:<\/p>\n
Positive that she is negative. There you go. So there\u2019s an example.<\/p>\n
Kelly Rourke-Scarry:<\/p>\n
Also, I think that we all should be grateful that we live in a time where many of us have cell phones that have great cameras on them. We can video chat like we\u2019re doing, and all of our birth mothers are supplied with a smartphone\u2026 They can take pictures of their baby and still show family and friends the baby and they still get to show them what a great job they did: Carrying this baby, giving birth to this baby and that\u2019s a big deal\u2026 That\u2019s a really big deal.<\/p>\n
Kelly Rourke-Scarry:<\/p>\n
I think, yes, it\u2019s a little thing, but where there\u2019s a will, there\u2019s a way. And that\u2019s a way.<\/p>\n
Kelly Rourke-Scarry:<\/p>\n
So in those five things, I hope that we can, again, find more positives in this time of negativity. I love the whole analogy of lemon and lemonade.<\/p>\n
Kelly Rourke-Scarry:<\/p>\n
Lemons are sour, but we add water, ice and sugar and it tastes amazing. I mean, we crave it\u2026 I crave it\u2026 I think it\u2019s great.<\/p>\n
Kelly Rourke-Scarry:<\/p>\n
If we can stay united, if we can stay in this positivity, when we\u2019re surrounded by so much negativity and so many terrifying things and so many unknowns, I think that we\u2019ll be able to be stronger together. Does that make sense?<\/p>\n
Ron Reigns:<\/p>\n
It absolutely does.<\/p>\n
Kelly Rourke-Scarry:<\/p>\n
I hope that this too shall pass and life will return to normal and people will heal and become healthy again. And we, like I said, we\u2019ll fight this pandemic together.<\/p>\n
Ron Reigns:<\/p>\n
Thank you for joining us on Birth other Matters in Adoption.<\/p>\n
Ron Reigns:<\/p>\n
If you\u2019re listening and you\u2019re dealing with an unplanned pregnancy and want more information about adoption, Building Arizona Families is a local Arizona adoption agency and available 24\/7 by phone or text at (623) 695-4112, that\u2019s 6-2-3-6-9-5-4-1-1-2.<\/p>\n
Ron Reigns:<\/p>\n
We can make an immediate appointment with you to get started on creating an Arizona adoption plan or just get you more information<\/a>. You can also find out more information about Building Arizona Families on their website at azpregnancyhelp.com<\/a>.<\/p>\n Ron Reigns:<\/p>\n Thanks also go out to Grapes for allowing us to use their song, I Don\u2019t Know is our theme song. Birth Mother Matters in Adoption was written and produced by Kelly Rourke-Scarry and edited by me.<\/p>\n Ron Reigns:<\/p>\n