Learn More About The Arizona Adoption Process

Our experienced Adoption Specialists are available to meet with you face to face. We are willing and able to provide transportation to our office if necessary. We work with pregnant women all over the State of Arizona and if you reside outside of Maricopa County, we will come and meet with you. When we meet, we will discuss your individual situation, answer questions, and discuss creating an Arizona adoption plan and the open adoption process in Arizona.

At the time you meet with one of our Adoption Specialists, if you are ready to proceed we can begin assisting you in making your adoption plan in Arizona. We discuss all of the intake paperwork and assist you in completing the information. At this time we work with you in determining if you need financial assistance with living expenses. Financial assistance could include but is not limited to: rent, utilities, food, clothing, transportation, and more. Financial assistance may be available the same day your adoption intake paperwork is completed. You can also create a plan for future contact with your child and the adoptive parents; that may include photos, updates and possible visits.

Every state has their own specific laws regarding birth fathers and legal fathers. Here in Arizona, we have specific laws regarding how they may be notified and if adoption consents need to be signed. Please contact us for further questions regarding birth fathers or legal fathers at (623) 695-4112.

AZ Pregnancy Help has many adoptive families for you to choose from Arizona to across the United States. We have adoptive families that are open to whatever type of communication you are interested in. After you choose an adoptive family, we will assist you in the coordination of contact (if you so choose); whether it be calls, Skype calls, emails, or face to face meetings. Your Adoptive Specialist will assist you coordinate all communication. We use Child Connect, which is a service that facilitates contact between adoptive families and birth mothers after placement. Through Child Connect, communication can be maintained through an online portal for pictures and emails. We have computer and printers that you can use to communicate and receive pictures. Child Connect will also mail pictures to you.

AZ Pregnancy Help will help you create an adoption plan. Your Adoption Specialist will assist you in everything from planning your hospital stay. You decide on spending time with your baby and/or the adoptive parents, if that is what you desire. After you deliver, your hospital stay is “your time”. You can decide who will spend time with the baby. The adoptive parents can come to the hospital and you may or may not want to spend time with them, it’s up to you. Once the baby and you are ready to be discharged from the hospital, the baby goes home with the adoptive parents.

To complete the adoption process, birth parents need to consent to the adoption. The consent is a legal document that the birth mother in Arizona cannot sign until 72 hours after the birth of the baby. Once the open adoption consent is signed it is irrevocable.

Your Adoption Specialist will be available to talk and meet with you before, during and after the adoption placement. We have developed and implemented the Donna K. Evans Foundation, which is an adoption aftercare program. The Donna K. Evans Foundation was developed to help our birth mothers continue their life journey, offering support such as group counseling, job searching, educational opportunities, clothing, long-term housing assistance, and much more. You will have access to our adoption aftercare services, which is conveniently located in the building next to our adoption office. For more information about the adoption aftercare services, please visit our website at www.dkefoundation.com.