Our Arizona Adoption Services Offer Financial Assistance for Unplanned Pregnancy
For over a decade and a half, we have been assisting women with financial assistance for unplanned pregnancy as they make their Arizona adoption plans. We understand adoption both personally and professionally. We’ll help you create an Arizona adoption plan that is tailored for you so you have the adoption journey you want to have. We offer unplanned pregnancy help and financial assistance for women choosing to place their babies for adoption. We understand that if you are looking for unplanned pregnancy help and considering the adoption choice, you may want to start now. We are ready and able to help you right away. We help you during your pregnancy, as well as after delivery through our adoption aftercare program; the Donna K. Evans Foundation.
AZ Pregnancy Help / Building Arizona Families
Offers Free Arizona Adoption Plans
- Confidentiality
- Contact and support 24 hours a day, 7 days a week
- Financial assistance for unplanned pregnancy including living expenses
- Creating Arizona adoption plan that is right for you
- Assistance in selecting the perfect adoptive family for your baby
- Communication with your chosen adoptive family
- Closed or open adoptions in Arizona
- Lifelong post-placement aftercare services on site through our aftercare program: The Donna K. Evans Foundation
Financial Assistance and Unplanned Pregnancy Help
If you are in search of unplanned pregnancy help and are planning to place your baby for adoption – you will pay no fees for your adoption. All adoption services for you are free. Additionally, our Arizona adoption plans include helping you identify financial assistance that you may be eligible during your unplanned pregnancy for your living expenses.
Living expenses may include:
- Rent and utilities
- Food (We have a non-perishable food pantry on site)
- Transportation
- Maternity Clothing (We have a maternity clothing closet on site)
- Cell Phone Service
- Medical Expenses
- Adoption Counseling
- And much more

Answers to Popular Adoption Questions
I'm ready to begin, what do I do now?
If you are in search of unplanned pregnancy help, the best thing to do is to call our 24 hour/7 day a week phone number at 623-695-4112 or our toll-free number, 1-800-340-9665. We will answer any additional questions you may have and then schedule an appointment with one of our case workers. We can provide transportation to our office located off the I-17 Access Road and Northern, where we can begin assisting you with your adoption plan.
What will this cost me?
- When the adoptive parents come to the hospital?
- Who will your support system be at the hospital?
- If the adoptive parents can be in the delivery room?
- Do you want a natural delivery or would you prefer using medication?
- Who will hold the baby first?
- Will the baby stays in your room, the nursery, or in a room with the adoptive family?
- Will you or the adoptive family care for the baby?
- You can allow them to care for the baby, you can do it yourself, or you can all do it together. The baby can stay in your room, the adoptive parents’ room, or the nursery.
- How much time you would like alone with the baby?
- Would you like pictures of you and the baby?
- What would you like discharge from the hospital to look like?