Are you or a loved one pregnant and incarcerated?
An adoption plan can be made if you or a loved one is incarcerated in jail / prison and is considering adoption in Arizona.
Our crisis pregnancy center CAN help!
Step #1
Our phone number is set up to Accept telephone calls from jail or prison.
Call us at (623) 695-4112.
Step #2
The information that we need is:
- Your full name
- Your date of birth
- Name of Incarceration Facility
- Your DOC Number
- Any contact Information for a CO2 or CO3 (if you have been assigned one)
- Your due date
Step #3
What we need you to do:
Add our agency (Building Arizona Families) to your contact and visitation list – Building Arizona Families Representative.
Step #4
When we receive your information, we will try to connect with a phone call and / or a visit. When we make contact with you we will start assisting you on making an adoption plan!
There are so many benefits to doing an adoption through our crisis pregnancy center, while incarcerated.
Some of the benefits include:
- Financial assistance
- The court will allow us to financially assist you with weekly funds to help with medical care, snacks, maternity necessities
- Access to the Donna K. Evans Aftercare Program when released
- Emergency housing referral and assistance
- Transportation
- Assistance with job searches
- Adoption counseling
- The reassurance of being able to make adoption choices for your baby
- You choose:
- the adoptive family
- the type of family
- the location of the family
- whether or not the family has children
- open or closed adoption
- how much contact you would like with the family
- if you would like letters and pictures of the baby
- how often
- the adoptive family
- You choose:

Pregnant and Incarcerated? Looking for information on baby adoption in Arizona?
Learn more about making an adoption plan in jail or prison through our crisis pregnancy center.

Compassionate care, with over 20 years of experience working with baby adoption in Arizona.
For almost two decades, Building Arizona Families / AZ Pregnancy Help has been working to assist to pregnant women who want to make an adoption plan and place their baby for adoption. The team at crisis pregnancy center has decades of experience working with pregnant women and baby adoption in Arizona. As a crisis pregnancy center we can assist you during your pregnancy, and after. Our goal is to be a resource, an adoption educator, an adoption advocate, to provide case management oversite, and an adoption specialist.
We currently work with several wonderful adoptive families in the State of Arizona as well as across the United States. We would love to help you find a loving home and adoption plan that you are comfortable with. Click here to learn more about our families waiting to adopt.
We want to walk alongside you throughout your pregnancy and after, providing emotional support, adoption insight, and comfort and compassion throughout your adoption journey.