Pregnant and in a domestically violent relationship? Searching for a pregnant women’s shelter? We can help.
Adoption is a viable option.
Our adoption agency can provide safe housing – no need to stay in a pregnant women’s shelter. The pregnant women we serve who are victims of domestic violence have access to free housing, food, clothing, shelter, healthcare, and free adoption services. Between 3% and 6% of pregnant women in the United States experience a physical form of domestic violence, according to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s (CDC.)
Physical violence while pregnant can result in:
- Immediate effects on pregnancy can include:
- Blunt trauma to the abdomen
- Hemorrhaging (including placental separation)
- Uterine rupture
- Miscarriage/stillbirth
- Preterm labor
- Premature rupture of the membranes

As a victim of domestic violence, it is important that you stay safe. You don’t have to stay in a pregnant women’s shelter though. Adoption is a very positive option. Being in a domestically violent relationship is one reason that pregnant women choose to make an adoption plan.
Here are some reasons why:
Pregnant women in domestic violent relationships:
- Postpone beginning prenatal medical appointments
- Are twice as likely to miss their prenatal OB appointments
- Have a higher risk of preterm birth and delivering low birth weight babies
- Being in a domestically violent relationship is associated with having poor nutrition, inadequate gestational weight gain, and higher rates of smoking, alcohol use, and substance use
- Women who have been hospitalized for a physical assault during their pregnancy are at a higher risk – 8 times the risk of fetal death and nearly 6 times the risk of neonatal death
Domestic violence during your pregnancy can have a negative impact on your child as they are growing up. Studies show us that women in domestically violent relationships have children that are at an increased risk of:
- increased levels of trauma symptoms
- twice as likely to have a difficult temperament
- having behavioral problems during childhood such as: physical aggression, disobeying rules, cheating, stealing, anxiety or depression
We have resources to help you! If leaving your abusive relationship leaves you homeless and in financial despair, you do not have to stay in a pregnant women’s shelter. We can help!!!
We can assist you with:
- Housing
- Food
- Maternity clothing
- cell phone
- transportation
- and for more please click here
Additionally, our Arizona Adoption Agency has an Adoption After-Care Program (The Donna K. Evans Foundation.)