Faces of Our Birth Mothers (Pregnant women making an adoption plan)
Who are the women that place their babies for adoption?
- Your friend
- Your neighbor
- Your niece
- Your sister
- Your daughter
- Your aunt
- Your co-worker
Who are the women that place their babies for adoption?
- Your Friend
- Your nieghbor
- Your niece
- Your sister
- Your daughter
- Your Aunt
- Your Co-Worker
Women from every aspect of life, every color, every nationality, every religion, every age, have chosen adoption for their own reason. Women who choose adoption include but are not limited to:
- Teenagers
- College Students
- Married Women
- Working Women
- Homeless Women
- Women who don’t feel as though are meant to be a mother
- Women who struggle with substance abuse
- Women who are financially struggling
Our birth mothers are:
- Women of all races and color
- Women who range in age from 14-46 years old
- Women who cannot financially support themselves and women who can
- Women who are parenting their other children or women who have children in CPS / DCS
- Women who may or may not subscribe to a religion
- Women who may or may not have graduated from high school
- Women who consider themselves straight or gay
- Women who are victims of domestic violence, rape, or human trafficking
- Women who are in a relationship or single
- Women who may be trying to survive on the street through panhandling or prostitution
- Women who may or may not be incarcerated, on probation or parole
- Women who may or may not be homeless, in a shelter or other government program
- Women who are employed and women who are not employed
- Women who have had an abortion before or previously done an adoption
- Women who may or may not struggle from mental illness
- Women who may or may not struggle with current drug use or who are in treatment
Many of our birth mothers are in vulnerable places in their lives and are facing:
- Chronic homelessness
- Substance abuse issues
- Mental health issues
- Domestic violence, trauma, abuse and
- Experience Chronic food insecurity
- The adoption is a beautiful and loving gift, yet is bittersweet
Birth mothers experience a blend of complicated and complex emotions including:
- Grief
- Loss
- Guilt/Shame
- Identity issues
- Trust issues
- Rejection
- Loss of control over their lives
Our goal and the goal of any adoption case worker is assist pregnant women with the following aspects of their adoption journey:
- Completing adoption paperwork
- Transportation to prenatal doctors’ appointments
- Overseeing financial assistance
- Assisting with choosing an adoptive family
- Being the point of contact with the agency
- Support at the hospital
- Explaining the adoption process and the choices to be made

When a pregnant woman come to us wanting to learn about our program, it is our responsibility to educate her and anyone else involved in her adoption plan. During adoption journey, your adoption caseworker will discuss any concerns or issues that may arise. Your adoption caseworker can also work with any other social service caseworkers you may have as well. She will be an incredible resource for you and will be your biggest advocate.