Placing Your Baby For Adoption?
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Giving Baby Up For Adoption? (We like to say placing your baby for adoption.)
We think you are already a hero for learning more about the process of adoption. It takes superheroine strength, courage, and love to begin to research “giving a baby up” or “placing a baby” for adoption in Arizona. We believe you would not be here if you didn’t love and want the best for your baby. Educating yourself about adoption is an amazing place to begin your journey.
Lots of Questions?
Many pregnant women who are considering adoption in Arizona have lots and lots of questions, like:
- Is adoption free?
- Can I get help with rent, food, clothing and other living assistance in Arizona if I make an adoption plan?
- What about the baby’s father?
- Can I pick the adoptive family?
- Can a Birth Parent revoke their consent (change their mind) to place their baby for adoption in Arizona?
- When is an Adoption Consent (Signed) for Adoption in Arizona?
- Do Birth Fathers have rights in the adoption process in Arizona?

Get Your Questions Answered.
Call or Text AZ Pregnancy Help/ Building Arizona Families at 623-695-4112

Steps to Placing a Baby for Adoption
The idea of giving a baby up or placing a baby for adoption in Arizona may feel overwhelming, but Building Arizona Families is here to answer questions that you may have and assist you in understanding the adoption process.
Step 1: To Make the best choice for you and your baby, remember the choice is yours.
Having an unplanned pregnancy can be overwhelming and the decision to have a family adopt your baby may be the most important decision you will ever make.
Before making a decision, it is always advantageous to educate yourself about three unplanned pregnancy options or choices:
- Adoption
- Parenting
- Abortion
Think about what your beliefs are; both religious and/or personal on the three options:
Choosing to lovingly place your newborn baby with an adoptive family.
Choosing to raise your baby from newborn to adulthood, bearing responsibility of promoting and supporting the physical, emotional, social, and intellectual development of a child from infancy to adulthood.

When you are considering the option of parenting, walk down the Parenting Path in your mind and think about the following:
- Am I ready to be pregnant and give birth during this time in my life?
- Am I ready now for the daily responsibility of raising a baby?
- Am I financially ready for the responsibility of raising a baby?
- Am I in a stable place in my life where I can provide the type of home and childhood, I would want my baby to have?
- Am I making my decision because it is what is best for me and my baby or because I feel like others are pressuring me?
- Will my friends and family really follow through on all of the promises of financial, emotional and physical support after the baby is born? Have they followed through with their previous promises?
- Do I have a significant other that will commit to me and my baby for at least the next 18 years, provide for us and co-parent with me?

There are lots of things to think about regarding both you and your baby:
- The average cost of raising a child today, according to the U.S. Department of Agriculture for a middle-income family is $233,610 – excluding the cost of college.
- Financially, there are many things to consider such as the cost of medical insurance, housing, clothing, food, diapers, formula, college, transportation, childcare, and so much more.
- Will you be working? Who will provide childcare and how much will it cost?
- What about your education? Have you gone as far as you wanted to? Do you have your high school diploma, Associates Degree, Bachelor’s Degree or Trade School Certificate?
- Are you ready to dedicate your life to your baby; waking up multiple times during the night, staying home on the weekends, taking time off work if your baby is sick, attending pediatrician appointments, and on and on?
- Do you have stable housing for you and your baby?
- Do you have stable transportation for you and your baby?
- If you have other children how will the time allotment and financial commitment impact their lives?
ABORTION: Choosing to end your pregnancy and terminate the life of your baby. In Arizona, there are state restrictions on abortion that are important to be educated on if this is an option you are considering.
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Disclaimer: AZ Pregnancy Help/ Building Arizona Families provides this information as a courtesy and is in no way responsible for its content or accuracy.
Remember, the decision of putting your baby up for adoption is not one that is made lightly. It takes a great deal of thought and love for your baby. Adoption is selfless, and it is a choice you make because you want to give your baby the best life they can have, with loving parents who are able to raise them.
Abortion Regulations
Right to Refuse to Participate in Abortion (A.R.S. § 36-2154): No hospital or healthcare worker may be required to perform abortions. Protects all healthcare workers to uphold their religious beliefs about abortion, abortion medication, and emergency contraception without compromising their jobs.
Collecting Accurate Data
Abortion Reporting (A.R.S. §§ 36-2161, -2163, -2301(B)): Requires abortion clinics to report to DHS monthly on how many abortions they performed, the reason for the procedure, the type of procedure, demographical information of their patients, excluding any personal identifiers, whether an infant was born alive after a botched abortion and the efforts made to save the infant’s life, the medical specialty of the physician that performed the abortion, whether anesthesia was administered to the mother or unborn child, and any known medical complications. If an abortion is performed and a baby with a lethal fetal condition is delivered alive, the physician performing the abortion shall document and report to DHS the specific lethal fetal condition that was diagnosed before and confirmed by an examination after the baby was delivered alive. Allows DHS to take disciplinary action against an abortion clinic’s license for failure to report.
Abortion Complications Reporting (A.R.S. § 36-2162): Requires all healthcare providers to report to DHS about any women treated for abortion complications, the nature of the complication, and expected permanent effects of the complication, excluding any personal identifiers.
Abortion Informed Consent Reporting (A.R.S. § 36-2162.01): Requires physicians that provide informed consent information to report to DHS monthly regarding the number of women to whom the physician provided the required information, the number of women to whom the physician or other qualified person provided additional required information, the number of women for whom the physician or qualified person working with the physician performed fetal ultrasound imaging and auscultation of fetal heart services as required, and the number of abortions the physicians performed without the required informed consent information because of a medical emergency.
Annual DHS Abortion Report (A.R.S. § 36-2163): DHS must prepare an annual statistical report with information from all abortion reports, complication reports, and informed consent reports; breakdown of the number of abortions by gestational age and the type of procedure used; breakdown by month of the reasons for the abortion; breakdown by month of the number of abortions performed by each hospital and abortion clinic; the number of judicial bypass petitions filed and the number granted and denied; total number of abortions partially or fully paid for with state monies through AHCCCS; total amount of state monies used to pay for the abortions and expenses incidental to the abortions; and total number of abortions paid for with state monies and performed out of state.
Eliminating Public Subsidies and Benefits
Prohibition on Use of Public Funds (A.R.S. § 35-196.02): Public funds may not be used to pay for an abortion except to save the life of the mother. Federal funds may be used when the pregnancy is the result of rape or incest. An Arizona Supreme Court decision, Simat v. AHCCCS, requires an exception for indigent women seeking a “medically necessary” abortion. Public funds may not be used for abortion training.
Abortion at State Universities Prohibited (A.R.S. § 15-1630): No abortion shall be performed at any facility under the jurisdiction of the board of regents unless “necessary to save the life of the woman having the abortion.”
Public Facilities (A.R.S. § 48-2212): County health service district facilities may not provide abortions or contract with an outside provider to perform abortions.
Charitable Tax Credits (A.R.S. § 43-1088): Abortion providers are disqualified from Arizona’s Charitable Tax Credit.
Health Insurance Exchanges (A.R.S. § 20-121): Plans that provide abortion coverage will not be included in any health insurance exchange created under the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act. Includes exceptions when “necessary to save the life” of the woman, “necessary to avert substantial and irreversible impairment of a major bodily function” of the woman or “the pregnancy is the result of rape or incest.”
Title X Family Planning Grants (A.R.S. § 36-145): DHS must apply for Title X funds and distribute any received funds as prescribed by A.R.S. § 35-196.05(A), which precludes distribution to abortion providers.
Policy Promoting Life
Preference for Childbirth and Adoption in Schools (A.R.S. § 15-115): No public school may endorse or provide support to any program or presentation that does not present childbirth and adoption as preferred options to abortion.
Prohibiting Wrongful Life/Birth Lawsuits (A.R.S. § 12-719): Prohibits parents from suing doctors and claiming that they would have aborted their child if they knew the child would have a disability.
Prohibition to Contract on Abortion (A.R.S. § 36-2153(I)): Prohibits a person from requiring a woman to obtain an abortion as a provision in a contract or as a condition of employment.
Unenforceable Laws Due to Judicial Action
Penalties to Provider (A.R.S. § 13-3603): Prohibits all abortions unless necessary to save life of the mother. Unenforceable due to Roe v. Wade, 410 U.S. 113 (1973).
A Woman May Not Seek an Abortion (A.R.S. § 13-3604): A woman may not seek an abortion “unless it is necessary to preserve her life.” Unenforceable due to Roe v. Wade, 410 U.S. 113 (1973).
No Advertising for Abortions (A.R.S. §13-3605): Prohibits advertising for abortion services. Unenforceable due to Roe v. Wade, 410 U.S. 113 (1973)

Step 2: Creating an Arizona Adoption plan
The most important thing to understand is that you are always in control of your adoption plan when you’re placing your baby for adoption in Arizona. You are calling the shots in every aspect of your adoption, including:
- Choosing the adoptive family you envision your child growing up with.
- Deciding how much contact you wish to have with the family before and after the adoption is finalized.
- Determining the details of your hospital and delivery plan
- And more…
Every decision throughout the adoption process is made by you. As one of the leading adoption agencies in the United States, Building Arizona Families is here to educate you about your options and help make your plan happen in Arizona.

Step 3: Choosing the Best Adoptive Family for You and Your Baby
Many pregnant women considering placing a baby for adoption in AZ may think choosing an adoptive family might be tough, but many women discover that choosing a family brings them peace in their adoption choice.
Here’s how you find the right adoptive parents when you’re putting your baby up for adoption in Arizona:
- You and your Building Arizona Families adoption specialist discuss the kind of family you picture your baby growing up with, including location, pets, siblings, religion, education and more.
- Your Building Arizona Families adoption specialist will share with you the profiles of potential adoptive parents that match what you have envisioned for your child. If you choose to do so, they will arrange calls with the families you like so that you can all talk.
- You’ll be able to ask potential parents questions and talk about the shared dreams you have for your baby and how you’d like your adoption to go.
- After you’ve chosen the family to adopt your baby, you can continue communicating with them until the baby is born. If you place your baby for adoption in Arizona, you’re able to remain in contact with them after the adoption is finalized and throughout your baby’s life, to whatever extent you are comfortable with.
Many women who have placed their child for adoption feel as if they have gained an extended family.
Step 4 – Making a Hospital Plan
Creating a clear plan for your stay in the hospital for the birth of your baby can help you feel more prepared and relaxed. When you’re considering placing a baby for adoption in AZ, you will work with your adoption specialist to create a birth plan that works for you. You’ll decide:
- Who you want to be with you in the hospital room and/or delivery room as your support person?
- How much you would like for the adoptive family to be involved in the birth of the baby?
- Who will hold your baby first? Who will cut the umbilical cord?
- How much time you would like to spend with your baby and the adoptive family?
Your hospital plan can be as detailed as you would like. When placing a baby for adoption in Arizona,
Arizona adoption laws requires you to wait at least 72 hours before giving consent to the adoption. All adoption consents must be done in writing. Adoption consents can be defined as voluntarily terminating your legal parental rights and to place your baby in the care and custody of their adoptive parents.

Step 5: Post-Adoption Support Services
AZ Pregnancy Help / Building Arizona Families has an Adoption Aftercare Program on site!
The Aftercare Program is for pregnant women who have placed a baby privately for adoption, regardless of whether they placed their baby through AZ Pregnancy Help / Building Arizona Families Adoption Agency. After placing a baby for adoption, the Donna K. Evans Foundation is there to continue to provide support, education, and counseling, resources amongst other valuable services to help these women reinvent themselves and positively change the course of their lives, so they too can live the life they have dreamed of. In the course of history, too many women have placed a baby for adoption and afterwards returned to being homeless, abusing substances and facing a variety of lifestyle choices that have taken on a cyclical pattern. Our goals range from assisting women in breaking negative life cycles to furthering their education to obtaining employment and the list is never-ending.
Click to View Post Adoption Services Available From the Donna K. Evans Foundation
- Birth Mother Case Management
- Birthmother Support Group
- Emotional support
- Housing and shelter referrals and resources
- Emergency Housing Assistance
- Emergency food bags
- Resources for Domestic Violence
- Assistance Medical/Behavioral
- Health/Substance Abuse Resources
- Classes & Workshops
- Access to computer stations for housing, career, and educational needs when available.
- Resources for assistance with academic and career training admissions and scholarships process.
- Transportation resources
- Job search resources and assistance
- Assistance with clothing and attire from the clothing closet on site.
- Referral to local social service resources and support
- Mailboxes for delivery of personal items for social services and job-related needs
- Judgment free/ stigma free environment
- Providing services for basic needs; food, housing, and jobs.
- Substance abuse recovery and mental health resource referrals and support
- Education and career training
- 1:1 case management for support, guidance, and empowerment
- Coordination with other case management providers
- Non-Perishable food pantry
- Referral resource center
- Continuity of care
- Birth control referral assistance
- Assistance with local state resources
- Financial rebuilding assistance
The mission of The Donna K. Evans Foundation has a mission of helping women after placing a baby for private adoption. Our goal is to provide women a safe place to return for help to reach their own life goals and dreams after private placement of their baby for adoption. Any woman who has placed a baby for adoption, regardless of the agency used for their adoption may utilize our services, at any time after the adoptive placement.

Things to consider that may help you make a decision…
There are many things to think about when you’re considering your choices, and it’s normal to have conflicting feelings. You’ll want to know the right questions to ask and it’s important to have people you trust and that you can turn to for advice and support – people who will be understanding and supportive without passing judgment. You will want to think carefully about all aspects of your life. Not only your personal beliefs, which are very important, but also factors that include family, relationships, school, work, finances, life goals, health and your safety.
Placing a Baby for Adoption is a Beautiful Option
For women in Arizona who are facing the unexpected dilemma of an unplanned pregnancy, difficult decisions must be made. It is a selfless decision to place your baby with an adoptive family who will profile the life and family you want for your baby. It may be the hardest decision you have ever made.
Plan your adoption journey so that it is the best path for you. Make sure you choose options that you will feel the most confident, empowered and secure in. Understand what the adoption laws and requirements are in Arizona will assist in answering questions you may have. The more educated you are about adoption in Arizona, the more choices you afford yourself.
Make sure whatever you don’t understand, you ask questions about. The most important thing you can do for yourself and your baby is to understand every aspect of adoption and that way you can make informed decisions.

Adoption in Arizona
In every state there are laws and statutes that are put in place protect you throughout the adoption process.
Below are some important things to know about adoption in Arizona:
– If living expenses exceed $1,000, the adoptive parents must file a motion with the court to allow the payment.
– In Arizona, the court decides what living expenses are necessary and reasonable. It will take into account the birth family’s current standard of living, and the standard of living necessary to protect the health and welfare of the child and birth mother. Expenses vary on a case-by-case basis, and expenses deemed unreasonable will not be approved by the court.
– In Arizona, consent for adoption may be given 72 hours after the birth of a child.
– Consent must be in writing and it must be witnessed by two or more credible witnesses who are 18 years of age or older. They must sign in the presence of the person giving consent or it must be confirmed by a notary public. This consent will then designate an agency or division that will place the child for adoption. Or the consent will designate the person or persons that are authorized to adopt the child by the person that has given consent.
– Consent to adopt must be given by:
– The child’s birth mother or adoptive mother
– The child’s father if any of the following apply:
1) The father was married to the mother when the child was conceived or born or any time between conception and the child’s birth, unless his paternity is excluded, or another man’s paternity is established.
2) The father, if he is the adoptive father, or has otherwise established paternity.
3) Any guardian or agency with whom the child has been placed for adoption.
4) If a guardian of any adult parent has already been appointed, consent is required.
Arizona does have a Putative Father Registry.
A. The parties to a proceeding under this chapter may enter into an agreement regarding communication with a child adoptee, the adoptive parents and a birth parent.
B. An agreement is not enforceable unless the agreement is in writing and is approved by the court. The court shall not approve an agreement unless the agreement is approved by the prospective adoptive parents, any birth parent with whom the agreement is being made and, if the child is in the custody of the division or an agency, a representative of the division or agency.
C. An agreement entered into pursuant to this section shall state that the adoptive parent may terminate contact between the birth parent and the adoptive child at any time if the adoptive parent believes that this contact is not in the child’s best interests.
D. The court shall not approve the agreement unless the court finds that the communication between the child adoptee, the adoptive parents and a birth parent is in the child’s best interests. The court may consider the wishes of a child who is at least twelve years of age.
E. An agreement entered into pursuant to this section is enforceable even if it does not disclose the identity of the parties to the agreement.
F. Failure to comply with an agreement that has been approved pursuant to this section is not grounds for setting aside an adoption decree or for revocation of a written consent to an adoption decree or relinquishment of parental rights.
G. The court retains jurisdiction after the decree of adoption is entered to hear motions brought to enforce or modify an order entered pursuant to this section. Before filing a motion, the party seeking to enforce or modify an order shall make a good faith attempt to mediate the dispute. The court shall not enforce or modify an order unless the party filing the motion has made a good faith attempt to mediate the dispute.
H. The court may order a modification of an agreement approved pursuant to this section if it finds that the modification is necessary to serve the best interests of the child adoptee and one of the following is true:
1. The modification is agreed to by the adoptive parents.
2. Exceptional circumstances have arisen since the agreement was approved that justify modification of the agreement.
I. The court may consider the wishes of a child who is at least twelve years of age in determining whether to order a modification pursuant to subsection H.
J. Every agreement entered into pursuant to this section shall contain a clause stating that the parties agree to the continuing jurisdiction of the court to enforce and modify the agreement and that they understand that failure to comply with an agreement approved pursuant to this section is not grounds for setting aside an adoption decree or for revocation of a written consent to an adoption decree or relinquishment of parental rights.
(Disclaimer: AZ Pregnancy Help/ Building Arizona Families provides this information as a courtesy and is in no way responsible for its content or accuracy.)

Our Services
We can help our birth mothers with expenses related to Medical Care, Transportation, Food, Housing & more.

Your Questions
What will this cost me? Can I choose the family for my baby? What is an “open” adoption?

Waiting Families
Meet some of our families who are ready to welcome a child into their lives.

About Us
Dedicated to providing the services birth mothers need to complete the adoption process.
Guide To Unplanned Pregnancy
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