Adoption for Pregnant Women
Are you wondering if adoption may be the right choice for you?
Are you researching the option of adoption for pregnant women? Adoption is a decision that you can make for you and your baby. When you are pregnant or in a relationship with someone who is pregnant, educating yourself is important. When doing your research, it may be helpful:
- To speak with professionals in the adoption field
- To gather information on adoption websites
- To take time in deciding on the best option
Speaking with an adoption professional should not commit you to making an adoption plan. Remember, when making an educated decision regarding adoption, you need to become knowledgeable about adoption. Some resources that may be helpful in educating you about adoption include:
- Checking with the state licensing department to confirm the agency’s license.
- Learning about what other licenses or accreditations the agency holds.
- If they have a BBB (Better Business Bureau) Rating and what that rating is?
- What services they offer during your pregnancy and after you place the baby for adoption?
- If you can watch or read testimonials from previous clients.
If you are researching adoption for pregnant women…
If you are educating yourself about the option of adoption for pregnant women, searching for unplanned pregnancy help or considering placing a baby for adoption- You came to the right website!
Here are some questions to think about..
Arizona Resources for Pregnant Women
Pregnancy Resource Centers
Provides information and referrals for various community resources 24 hours a day/7 days a week.
Benefits Checkup
Multiple websites (; to check eligibility for various federal, state, and local assistance programs.
City of Phoenix Human Services Department
The Human Services Department offers a variety of social services to low-income households experiencing crisis. Services are provided through three family services centers, geographically dispersed throughout the city. Each center provides a broad range of assistance with urgent needs including utility, eviction prevention and/or move-in cost assistance. Caseworkers also provide employment, budgeting, social and life-skills development counseling assistance through case management services at the family and senior services centers. These services assist families and adult individuals resolve problems and ultimately achieve self-sufficiency.
South Phoenix 602.534.4732
John F Long Family Service Center
Services: Multi-purpose center offering case management; rental and utility assistance in crisis situations; emergency food boxes; and limited bus tickets for center clients to travel to agencies, medical appointments, and employment destinations. Assists with air conditioning repairs during the summer for those who cannot afford to pay for the repairs themselves.
Mon-Fri 7:30am-5pm; call Mon 8am for appointments
St. Vincent de Paul
Offers multiple programs for homeless and low income individuals and families, including Help for the Working Poor, Family Eviction Prevention, Ministry to the Homeless, Ministry to the Incarcerated, Transitional Shelter, and Youth mentoring, along with various specialized projects dependent upon community need and availability of funds. St. Vincent de Paul can also provide information on additional Catholic churches that may be able to provide assistance.
Travis L Williams Family Service Center
Multi-purpose center offering case management; rental and utility assistance in crisis situations; emergency food boxes; and limited bus tickets for center clients to travel to agencies, medical appointments, and employment destinations. Assists with air conditioning repairs during the summer for those who cannot afford to pay for the repairs themselves.
Financial/Food Assistance
Provides financial assistance and case management services to individuals and families living in Mesa in an emergency situation impacting their housing, utilities, health, and/or safety. Assists with rent payment, utility payment, or air conditioning repair in the summer. Also offers emergency family and domestic violence shelters.
Offers a number of limited budget electricity programs, as well as provides information on community utility assistance programs.
Arizona Community Action Association
Provides information and referrals for community resources, including all Community Action Programs (CAPs). CAPs can provide case management, emergency assistance, food boxes, assistance with rent and utilities, financial assistance, eviction prevention, resources and referrals, and employment assistance. Also offers a web-based program to determine what state paid benefits you may qualify to receive.
Community Action Programs (CAP)
Provides emergency financial assistance to individuals and families facing eviction or utility shut off (including air conditioning repair in the summer). Multiple offices throughout the valley.
623-979-3911 Central, North, & West
Foothills Food Bank & Resource Center
Provides emergency food boxes and financial assistance for those in need living in specific zip codes in the North Valley. Proof of citizenship not required.
The Salvation Army – Phoenix Social Services Emergency Assistance
Services: Provides financial assistance for eligible recipients. Assistance, when available, includes utility assistance including electricity, gas, and water; food boxes; USDA food bags; and back-to-school clothing. Assistance in securing needed services by matching the need with appropriate community resource providers through referrals. Eligibility: Call for requirements. Documents to bring: Call for pre-screening interview and appointment for financial assistance. Visit office for food assistance or call for specific information.
Mon-Fri 8am-4pm administration. Mon-Fri 12:30pm-3:30-pm food box assistance. Mon 9am client line opens for financial assistance.
Housing Assistance
Arizona’s state housing agency provides information on apartment rentals, emergency repair and housing rehabilitation, eviction or forclosure assistance, fair housing laws, homeownership assistance, and section 8 housing. Also, offers unemployment, underemployment and reinstatement mortgage payment assistance as well as short sale assistance in addition to principal reduction assistance to qualified Arizona homeowners.
Catholic Charities Rent & Mortgage Assistance
Assists with one month past due rent or mortgage payment, or first month’s rent.
Chicanos por la Causa
Offers free computer training, employment assistance, job skills workshops, GED classes, housing repair program, some utility assistance, and safe, affordable housing options.
(602) 257-0700
Community Services of Arizona Rent & Mortgage Assistance
Assists with one month past due rent or mortgage payment, or first month’s rent.
Labor’s Community Service Agency – Emergency Program
Their Emergency Relief Program offers emergency financial assistance for those with an eviction or shut-off notice. Their Foreclosure Intervention Program offers counseling and representation during foreclosure proceedings.
Lutheran Social Services Rent and Mortgage Assistance
Assists with one month past due rent or mortgage payment, or first month’s rent.
National Energy Assistance Referral Project
Energy assistance programs, coordinated among federal and state governments and utility companies, are available to help low-income households meet their energy needs. The Community Services Unit (CSU) subcontracts with community agencies to administer the Low-Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP) and the Utility Repair, Replacement and Deposit Program (URRD). These programs assist with utility deposits and bill payments, conduct home weatherization, and repair or replace certain appliances.
The Salvation Army
Offers utility assistance for individuals and families experiencing a crisis. Also offers homeless outreach services, including assistance finding shelter or transitional housing. Also offers a yearly Christmas Angel Program.
Save My Home AZ
Offers two foreclosure prevention programs – Unemployed Payment Assistance Program and Pricipal Reduction Program – to assist unemployed and underemployed Arizona homeowners. Must meet certain requirements.
Save the Family Foundation (Chandler/Mesa)
Provides financial assistance for eviction prevention or utility shut-off prevention for Chandler and Mesa residents with at least one child age 17 or younger.
Offers four electricity plans to fit budgetary and lifestyle needs.
U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development
Offers information and referral assistance on homebuying, avoiding forclosure, rental assistance, fair housing laws, and subsidized housing options. Also, offers assistance locating affordable housing in your area.
Maternity Clothes
Chandler Community Action
Offers clothing and food box referrals for walk-ins Monday through Thursday from 8am – 10:30am. Offers unplanned pregnancy help assistance with utilities and past due rent; must come in and fill out an application Monday through Thursday 8am – 5pm. Verification of citizenship not required. Closed Friday.
Know Your Rights
Unplanned pregnancy help includes helping you make an informed decision about your and your child’s future, it is helpful for you to be aware of your legal rights. You have the following rights: