Pregnant? Call or Text: 623.695.4112
Serving Pregnant Women Statewide With a Local Office Located in: Phoenix, Arizona
Adoptive Parents Call: 623.936.4729 or 800.340.9665

Women experiencing crisis pregnancies often wrestle with the decision to place their baby for adoption and find themselves postponing the decision.  As a result, we are asked frequently the following questions:

  • When is it too late to place a baby for adoption in Arizona? 
  • What if I am in the last trimester of my pregnancy? 
  • What if I am at the hospital, and I am getting ready to deliver? 
  • What if I have already given birth, and I am still at the hospital? 
  • What if I have been discharged from the hospital, and I realized I cannot parent? 
  • What do I do? Has the adoption “window” closed?

The good news and short answer is that it’s never too late to choose adoption in any of the above situations. We can still help you and your baby. Sometimes circumstances in life change and unforeseen factors arise. Women also come to the realization that they just aren’t ready,  just not able to parent, or perhaps not equipped to be the parent she wants to be for her baby. There is not a definitive timeline when deciding to place a baby for adoption in Arizona and we are here to support and walk beside women when choosing the honorable and selfless decision of adoption. 

Placing a Baby for Adoption in Arizona

There are Options and Recourses Available When You Choose to Place a Baby for Adoption in Arizona

An adoption journey can begin at any time during the pregnancy. Sometimes women experiencing an unplanned pregnancy make an adoption plan early in their pregnancy to receive beneficial health, mental, and financial assistance. They also have the time to develop a relationship with their chosen adoptive family. Starting an Arizona adoption plan early allows a birth mother to mentally prepare for her adoption choice, alongside experienced case managers and licensed counselors. 

Other times, women are not mentally ready to accept that they are pregnant. It may take time to understand their situation completely. When a woman waits to acknowledge that she is pregnant, she denies herself and her baby prenatal care. This may lead a birth mother to make choices she wouldn’t usually make because she hasn’t accepted that she is pregnant. Denial of a pregnancy does not make the pregnancy disappear, nor does it change the outcome. Denial may seem easier in the moment, postponing feelings, emotions, choices, and reality. In the long term, it is not beneficial for the birth mother or her baby. 

Regardless of when you choose adoption as the best plan for you and your baby, we can help, and you are not alone. The first step is to call and know we will answer and be there for you when you are deciding if you want to place your baby for adoption in Arizona. 

We are Here For You and You are Not Alone When Experiencing an Unplanned Pregnancy in Arizona

Placing a Baby for Adoption in ArizonaChoosing adoption means choosing an option with support, aftercare, and access to financial resources. Adoption is a beautiful option and one that is increasingly becoming a more popular choice. If you are pregnant and are considering placing a baby for adoption in Arizona, we are a licensed, full-service, non-profit Arizona adoption agency called Building Arizona Families. We believe in adoption aftercare services and have a program on-site to provide continued support through the Donna K. Evans Foundation. You can contact us 24/7 at (623) 695-4112 or introduce yourself to us online HERE.

You are not alone, and we want to help. Thank you for considering adoption, you are making an amazing choice! Call or Text: (623) 695-4112.

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