Pregnant? Call or Text: 623.695.4112
Serving Pregnant Women Statewide With a Local Office Located in: Phoenix, Arizona
Adoptive Parents Call: 623.936.4729 or 800.340.9665

Considering Adoption as an Option?

Many women who find out that they are unexpectedly pregnant and investigate adoption. When you choose adoption, you get to choose the adoptive family, type of communication you and the adoptive family have throughout your pregnancy and after.  When choosing and open adoption, you may remain in your baby’s life through letters, emails, pictures, video communication, and visits. Deciding adoption and want to take the next step, you can search for an “adoption agency near me.”

What do I do next?

Finding the right adoption agency to begin making an adoption plan can be the first step. Most women search on the computer/cell phone, ask family and/or friends for an adoption agency referral, or ask their OBGYN for an adoption agency referral. It is important to find an adoption agency in your state so that you can meet with your adoption case manager or adoption specialist face-to-face and receive all the incredible benefits of case management. Your case manager will walk with you along your adoption journey, assist you in making your OBGYN appointments, and educate you about adoption in your state, especially since different states may have different adoption laws. A local adoption agency may be able to visit you if you are incarcerated in jail or prison. Your local adoption agency may be familiar with the state’s valuable community resources. Finding an adoption agency close to where you are will also be very convenient when you are further along in your pregnancy, and it becomes harder to go places.

Know Your Choice is the Best Choice!

Adoption is a personal choice, a choice that is the best choice for you and your baby. Adoption allows you to provide the life for your child that you have always dreamed of. That maybe includes a two-parent family, a large or small family, religious or non-religious, a stay-at-home parent, the ability for your child to go to college or travel. We understand that when you are facing an unplanned pregnancy. We are here for you. At our Adoption Agency, Building Arizona Families & AZ Pregnancy Help, we are here to assist you. We believe in adoption, and we believe in you, which is why we are available 24/7, 365 days a year. The first step in your adoption journey is to call or text us and make an appointment with us. Call or text now at (623) 695-4112.

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