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Unplanned Pregnancy Options When You Already Have Children

If you have biological children and are facing an unplanned pregnancy, we can help. Making an unplanned pregnancy decision already having other biological children may add additional stress, confusion, and anxiety. Having an unplanned pregnancy can add more stress and anxiety as well as possible confusion. Many pregnant women worry about the impact of unplanned pregnancy options on their other children. You may fear that your children will resent you, feel insecure themselves, or even that they are setting a bad example for them.

First Thing To Remember

First and foremost, as a mother, you need to make the decision that is best for you, your children, and your unborn baby. Undoubtedly, this decision may be difficult, with both pros and cons. Pregnant women have chosen adoption when they have other children for various reasons, such as CPS/DCS involvement (past or present), a desire to break a negative generational cycle, a lack of funds (not wanting to take food out of the mouth of one child to give it to another), a child with special needs who demands all of your time and attention as well as many other personal reasons.

Having Concerns is Normal

Beginning with one of the biggest concerns is that women worry that their biological child will resent them for placing their sibling for adoption. Women fear that their other biological children will bond with the unborn baby. The children may share the news of your pregnancy and tell their friends and family that you are pregnant. They may become excited about a new baby and want to touch your stomach, talk to the baby, and feel like they are bonding.

Secondly, the concern that you may be judged for choosing adoption is another common worry. No parent wants to be resented by their child or other family members voicing their opinions regarding your children. Ultimately, choosing to place a baby for adoption may cause you to worry that your child will judge you while you are making a decision that is in your, your child’s, and your unborn baby’s best interest. However, with the assistance of an adoption counselor, you can receive help navigating this concern.

Lastly, worrying about other children feeling insecure with your adoption plan is a concern. Women have shared that they are concerned that their other children may think that they may be placed for adoption. Providing reassurance on why adoption is the best choice may clarify concerns or worries.

We Are Here for You

Ultimately, adoption agencies like Building Arizona Families and AZ Pregnancy Help can provide resources like adoption counseling and adoption education to assist you in making the best decision for your unplanned pregnancy. Watching our birth mother testimonials may also give you more insight as to why other women made an adoption decision and assist you in feeling as though you are not alone in your choice. We understand that you need support when making an adoption plan. We are here for you 24/7, you may call or text us at (623) 695-4112.

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