Birth Fathers can have a positive or negative impact on a birth mother’s adoption choice, adoption plan, and her adoption journey. Regardless of whether the birth father is in a relationship with the birth mother, he can directly or indirectly influence the adoption plan during a crisis pregnancy.
There are Different Types of Relationships Birth Mothers and Birth Fathers Have During an Adoption Plan
Often, birth fathers and birth mothers are no longer together while birth mothers experience a crisis pregnancy. Without a birth father’s emotional, physical, financial, and mental support, a birth mother may decide adoption is in the best interest of her and her unborn baby. The birth mother may have realized that her relationship with the birth father is unstable, and she wants stability and longevity for her child. On the other hand, many birth mothers wish and hope for the birth father to learn of her adoption plan and swoop in like a knight in shining armor. Sometimes, holding onto hope is all they have left when experiencing a crisis pregnancy.
Other times, birth mothers may continue to be in a relationship with their unborn baby’s birth father, and he is not in support of her adoption plan. They may argue about the adoption plan, break up and get back together again, but the focus shifts to the birth father instead of the best interests of the baby. In her mind, she has made her decision about her crisis pregnancy. The birth father sometimes comes around and agrees that it is the best choice, and other times he does not want to be a part of her adoption plan. He doesn’t contest it but won’t support it. This situation is challenging for a birth mother. One way to assist birth mothers in this difficult circumstance is to build up her support system.
Sometimes a birth mother has multiple potential birth fathers, and this alone is an issue for the birth father she is in a current relationship with. They may have broken up and gotten back together, and they may not know who is the actual birth father. The birth father may feel uncertainty on his behalf, and possibly even embarrassed. Other times there are situations where birth fathers can be very supportive and cooperative.
In best-case scenarios, the birth father is very supportive of the birth mother, regardless of whether or not they are in a current relationship. He attends all of the adoption meetings, helps choose the adoptive family, meets them, and develops his own relationship with them. This situation is very positive for the birth mother; it not only establishes a support structure but gives her further assurance in her adoption choice.
Building Arizona Families is Here to Support Birth Mothers and Birth Fathers During a Crisis Pregnancy
Adoption is a beautiful choice, and studies have shown us that birth fathers can play a very important role in their support of an adoption plan during a crisis pregnancy.
If you are dealing with an unplanned pregnancy and want more information about adoption, we are a local Arizona adoption agency here to help you! We are available 24/7 by phone or text at (623) 695-4112. We can make an immediate appointment with you to get started on creating an Arizona adoption plan or give you more information.
We look forward to speaking to you or please introduce yourself to us HERE.