Adoption is open-ended and is accompanied by numerous options and opportunities (many of which are not commonly known) for women that are having an unplanned pregnancy, and find them. With our agencies; AZ Pregnancy Help and Building Arizona Families we believe in empowerment and the power of choice and the importance of adoption education. For a pregnant women, whether a teen pregnancy or not, the questions that are often asked include: “I am pregnant thinking about adoption”, “Do I adopt out my baby?” “Do I place my baby for adoption?” “Do I make an adoption plan for my baby?” “How do I go about finding families for my baby?” Birth Mothers are heroes and have superhuman qualities and deserve respect, understanding, compassion and future opportunities.
Adoption is accompanied by so many decisions in a birth mother preparing for newborn adoption, such as;
- What type of adoptive family does a birth mother want to choose? Some of the choices include:
- Instate? Out-of-State?
- A family with kids? Without kids?
- An adoptive family with a dog?
- An adoptive family that travels a lot?
- An adoptive mother that stays at home?
- An active adoptive family?
- An adoptive family with a large extended family?
- Does a birth mother want an open or closed adoption? Some of the choices within these options include:
- Post Adoption Visits
- Post Adoption Letters and Phone Calls
- Post Adoption Skype / Facetime Sessions
- No Contact Post Adoption
- Adoption aftercare programs by local adoption centers provide opportunities solely for birth mothers who have placed a baby for adoption. Future opportunities for birth mothers with the Donna K. Evans Aftercare Program, adoption in Phoenix, Arizona include endless possibilities such as:
Assistance with:
- Education
- Permanent, Long-Term Housing
- Employment
- Obtaining a GED
- Food Handler’s Card
- And so much more…
Adoption is a door that a birth mother can open. Adoption remains a selfless choice, a true gift and a journey for the triad involved.