Pregnant? Call or Text: 623.695.4112
Serving Pregnant Women Statewide With a Local Office Located in: Phoenix, Arizona
Adoptive Parents Call: 623.936.4729 or 800.340.9665

Over the past 15 years of working with birth mothers I have learned more from them than I could ever describe. Wisdom, experience, trials and tribulations have all be shared, sometimes in depth. My goal is passing on what I consider to be invaluable wisdom to understand the many reasons women consider when placing baby for adoption, which is a highly personal decision.

“I decided on adoption because I don’t want my baby to grow up like me. I aged out of the system and when I turned 18 my state case worker drove me to a nearby shelter and dropped me off. That was my 18th birthday present.”
“I decided on adoption because I can’t bring my baby home from the hospital and have her around my boyfriend. He is too mean, last night he hit me because I wouldn’t give him the dollar that was in my purse.”
“I am not stable. I need to adopt out my baby”
“My boyfriend is getting out of prison in 6 months and this is not his baby.”
“I have to do prison time and I don’t want my baby going to the state. I just need to place my baby for adoption.”
“I like my life. I don’t want my life to change. That may sound selfish but it’s true. I am finally okay with where I am.”
“An adoption plan is better than an abortion plan.”
“I couldn’t afford an abortion so I am doing an adoption.”
“I don’t have time to take care of a baby. I work every day to pay for the hotel room so I don’t have to sleep on the street. How would I do that? We would both be on the street.”
“I didn’t know I was pregnant until I was six months. I am not ready for a baby.”
“I was raped and I just can’t…..”
“I decided on placing my baby for adoption because I can’t be a mom, I wouldn’t be a good one. My mom wasn’t a good one and I know I won’t be and my baby deserves a good one.”
“My child has special needs. I am a single mom, I can’t have a baby and a special needs child. It would be unfair to my daughter who needs me. I need to place baby up for adoption.”
“I wanted a baby, we tried for this baby, but my boyfriend just got picked up on a warrant and is going to do 3-5 years. I can’t do it alone.”
“I never wanted to be a mom. This is an unplanned pregnancy. I have been pregnant, thinking about placing my baby for adoption since I found out I was pregnant.”
“I can’t afford a baby, I didn’t finish high school. I don’t have a place to live. My family kicked me out and I have been sleeping in the crawlspace in the stairwell at an apartment complex.”
“I can’t have a baby right now. I just can’t. I just got out of a domestic violence situation and he is the father. It’s not safe for the baby or me.”
“My mom placed me for adoption. I love my adoptive parents. I had a good experience and I know placing my baby for adoption is best, I am too young. Another teen pregnancy.”
“I lost my other kids to the state. I know I can’t keep this one either so why not help an adoptive family.”
“I really need help. I can’t keep this baby. It doesn’t feel like it’s mine. I let the adoption agency do the work of finding families for my baby and I picked one. I know this baby should go to the adoptive family I chose.”

Adoption is a beautiful option for an unplanned pregnancy. Regardless of why you are choosing adoption, your choice is what matters, not your reason. Our licensed adoption agency staff understands and can help.  Find out more here.

Call or text us today: (623) 695-4112.

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