Pregnant? Call or Text: 623.695.4112
Serving Pregnant Women Statewide With a Local Office Located in: Phoenix, Arizona
Adoptive Parents Call: 623.936.4729 or 800.340.9665

If you are pregnant in prison or jail, you can make an adoption plan for your unborn baby. An adoption plan will allow you to choose adoptive parents who can provide a loving and stable home for your child.

I am Ready to Make An Adoption Plan

When you decide on adoption and make an adoption plan, open adoption is ALWAYS an adoption option, even while you are incarcerated.  By choosing to place your baby with a family through open adoption, you can remain in your child’s life. An open adoption will allow you to select adoptive parents and provide your child with a solid foundation and the childhood you have dreamed for them to have.

 What Happens Next?

Making an adoption plan while you are pregnant and incarcerated in jail or prison is a process we can help you through. If you choose an open adoption, one of our adoption specialists can assist you in creating a Post-Adoption Communication Agreement also known as a “PACA”. This allows you to receive updates and pictures of your baby until they are 18 years old. These updates on your child can reassure you that you made the best choice for your child. 

Our Arizona Adoption Agency can help you create an adoption plan that is right for you.

We can accept collect calls from your jail or prison.

Additionally, can send us a letter letting us know you would like to make an adoption plan. Please include your name, the name of the jail or prison you are at, your date of birth, and if you have a Department of Corrections Identification Number.

Building Arizona Families

8433 N. Black Canyon Highway, Suite 152

Phoenix, AZ 85021

  • The second step, during your telephone call with us, is to give us your information.
  • Please add Building Arizona Families to your Visitation List


How Does Selecting an Adoptive Family Work?

When you make an adoption plan with us, your plan will include choosing a family for your baby, the amount of contact with the adoptive family, and making hospital arrangements. By choosing adoption, you can prevent your baby from being placed into the foster care system. With an adoption plan, your baby will be able to go home with the adoptive parents you’ve chosen.

What Happens If I Do Not Make A Plan Prior to Delivery?

If you are pregnant and in jail or prison, you still can make an adoption plan for your unborn baby. You can make choices and control the future of your unborn baby. If you don’t have a plan in place for your unborn baby when you deliver, the state may get involved and your baby may be placed into foster care. Adoption allows you to remain in control of where your baby goes and who she or he is raised by.

Building Arizona Families/AZ Pregnancy Help is a local, licensed adoption agency in Arizona. We are an adoption center, that assists pregnant women with an adoption option. When a woman places or gives up a baby for adoption, she is making a selfless choice for her child.  As an Arizona Adoption Agency, we believe in the importance of adoption education as well as adoption awareness.  We are here for you.


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Arizona Pregnancy Help | Adoption Resource
Making an Adoption Plan while incarcerated
Building Arizona Families
Maria R.
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