Women who come into our office often ask why adoption is not as frequently discussed as abortion. They ask why it’s harder to find out about adoption and why more pregnant women aren’t choosing adoption over abortion. These are really important questions, and the answers save lives. We are here for you and support the Arizona adoption plan that you believe in!
Answering Birth Mother’s Questions About Adoptions
To address the above questions and the “whys” of adoption, I will break them down and address each one –
- Why is adoption not as commonly spoken about as abortion?
Adoption is not as common as abortion. About 926,240 abortions occurred in 2017 in comparison to 18,329 babies that were placed for adoption in 2014. Adoption is gaining momentum as women are learning about abortions, what their unborn babies experience, and the negative impact on their own physical and emotional health. Additionally, as scientific facts are presented about when life begins, and the actual medical procedures used in abortions, states are closing their doors on abortion. Additionally, celebrities are publicizing their adoptions which helps adoption become more mainstream.
- Why is it harder to find information about adoption than abortion?
Compared to non-profit adoption agencies, abortion is very heavily promoted with millions of dollars spent in campaigns to make abortion seem mainstream and a normal part of life. Additionally, the controversy surrounding abortion creates publicity including the presidential debates, pro-life vs. pro-choice, rallies, marches, political parties, women’s groups, and more. Adoption does not command this level of public attention as is not viewed as controversial.
- Why more women choose abortion over adoption?
- One primary reason is an incorrect belief that abortion is less expensive than placing a child for adoption. With our agency and most others, there is no cost for birth birthmothers, and also, we can assist with financial resources!
Concern about other people finding out about the pregnancy, feeling they may be judged. Women don’t realize that adoption is a beautiful option and is viewed as a loving, heroic gift to a newborn child and adoptive family.
- Women view abortion as a quicker and less emotionally involved solution for an unplanned pregnancy. Numerous studies have disproved this premise, and as a result, the majority of women struggle with depression, guilt, and in some instances, physical health challenges. Women who choose abortion typically do not receive post-abortion support to deal with the trauma, and research illustrates the long term negative impact on women’s emotional health. With an adoption plan in Arizona, most women feel very positive about their adoption decision and receive aftercare support they need to move forward into a positive, healthy future.
- Many women believe abortion is easier than the emotional pain of placing a baby for adoption after carrying their baby for nine months. They are unaware that we help birth mothers set up an adoption plan in accordance with their personal wishes for their baby, including choosing the family and deciding if they want to stay in touch with the birth family and their child. Women don’t even know this is possible, but it is! How much better to give the gift of life and then celebrate a child’s life!
- Birthmothers receive counseling during pregnancy and have emotional support from the adoption agency, the adoption counselor, and the adoptive family if open adoption is chosen. Birth mothers are surrounded by ongoing support and genuine care. They will never find themselves leaving a hospital or surgical center alone with little to no preparation, counseling, or ongoing support.
How Our Local Adoption Agency Helps Birth Mothers Own Their Arizona Adoption Plans
Choosing adoption means making a positive, life-giving decision that is accompanied by the loving support, aftercare, and access to financial resources. Adoption is an incredible choice and is increasingly becoming a more popular choice. It is a choice to proudly believe in, resting in the knowledge that you have made the right decision.
If you are pregnant and are considering adoption, we are a licensed, full-service, non-profit Arizona adoption agency ready to help you make your Arizona adoption plan, visit us HERE.
We believe in adoption aftercare services and have a program on-site to provide continued support through the Donna K. Evans Foundation. You can contact us 24/7 at (623) 695-4112 or please introduce yourself to us HERE. You are not alone, and we want to help, thank you for considering adoption, you are making an amazing choice.