News about pending abortion laws in various states continues to grow, and it is drawing skeletons out of the closets. Celebrities are seeking to emulate the #metoo hashtag with the #youknowme hashtag so women who have had an abortion can stand together in unity. Adoption is a beautiful alternative to abortion in Arizona, and Building Arizona Families is here to help!
At Building Arizona Families and the Donna K Evans Foundation, we believe that courageous women who choose adoption deserve their own hashtag! As co-founder of the agency, I always tell birth mothers to be proud that they chose life, proud of their courageous sacrifice, and to stand strong in their belief that choosing life is the best choice. We launched the You Before Me campaign. The hashtag #YouBeforeMe is a way a birth mother can proudly own the choice of adoption to protect the life of her baby. Abortion should never be a choice, as it robs the unborn child of any choices and Building Arizona Families is here to offer an alternative to adoption in Arizona.
Choosing Life as Your Alternative to Abortion Creates Better Outcomes
As state legislators battle over future adoption laws and, the subject of unplanned pregnancy has become a main story on the news, social media, during dinner table conversations, and wherever else people congregate.
Building Arizona Families will educate women about their choices, the facts about the abortion procedure, and the truth about abortions’ aftermath. Women should have the facts which allow them to grasp why adoption is the best answer to an unplanned pregnancy. Regardless of whether the unplanned pregnancy is a birth control accident, a rape, or any other cause; there is still hope, and there is still a vulnerable unborn baby filled with life – a baby that is counting on you to protect it’s life.
Birth Mothers who choose adoption determine to give their unborn babies the gift of life regardless of their ability to parent. Choosing not to parent never changes their status as a mother, but enables them to provide their baby with the life their baby deserves.
There is absolutely no cost to the birth mother to receive adoption services, practical care, counseling, and a community of support during and after pregnancy. Our team will be with you every step of the way, as you make important choices for your baby’s healthy future. You are not alone in a cold room while a doctor performs a procedure to end your baby’s life. Instead, you are surrounded by people you believe in your adoption choice and support you every step of the way to create a bright future for both you and your baby.
Building Arizona Families Helps You Find Alternatives to Abortion in Arizona
There are alternatives to abortion, and if you are dealing with an unplanned pregnancy and want more information about adoption, we are a local Arizona Adoption Agency. All of the information provided in this blog, regarding birth mothers services, are offered by our agency. We cannot speak for another agency and what they may or may not offer. We are available 24/7 by phone or text at (623) 695-4112. We can make an immediate appointment with you to get started on creating an Arizona Adoption Plan or give you more information, please introduce yourself to us HERE. Be educated about your unplanned pregnancy choice and alternatives to abortion in Arizona; your baby is counting on you! Learn more Building Arizona Families HERE.
With adoption, you are never alone, choose life. #youbeforeme