Pregnant? Call or Text: 623.695.4112
Serving Pregnant Women Statewide With a Local Office Located in: Phoenix, Arizona
Adoptive Parents Call: 623.936.4729 or 800.340.9665

Adoption is a Beautiful Choice ~

Adoption can positively change the lives of all people involved. There are three sides to the adoption triangle: the adoptee, the birth parents, and the adoptive family. All three sides of the adoption triad can benefit from the adoption plan.

Birth parents are able to choose the adoptive family they feel would be best. Choosing an open adoption gives birth parents the ability to remain in contact with their child and the adoptive family. Placing their baby for adoption can allow the birth parents to continue pursuing their own personal goals without putting their life plans on hold. In addition, an adoption plan may relieve the financial and emotional stress of an unplanned pregnancy, allowing the birth parents to receive help with living expenses during their pregnancy.

When an Adoptive Family is Chosen

Adoptive Families chosen by birth parents, are given the ultimate gift of being parents. Raising a child that they would have been otherwise unable to raise being the most important one. Adoptive parents can become parents with adoption, when they may not have been able to otherwise. An adoption plan may allow the adoptive family to raise a child in a loving, stable home. Additionally, an adoption plan may allow the adoptive family to experience aspects of pregnancy and related experiences that they may not have otherwise.

Adoption is the Best Choice

An adoption plan offers benefits to the birth parents throughout their adoption journey.  Open adoption enables all members of the adoption triad to continue communication for the first eighteen years of the baby’s life and after. There are many aspects of adoption that will continue to benefit all members, including generations to come. 

Building Arizona Families and AZ Pregnancy Help is an adoption agency located in Phoenix, Arizona. If you are pregnant and looking to make an adoption plan, we are an Arizona Adoption Agency that can be reached by text or telephone 24/7 at (623) 695-4112. If you are looking for an adoption agency near you in Arizona, we are here for you.


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Arizona Pregnancy Help | Adoption Resource
Adoption - the gift keep that keeps on giving.
Building Arizona Families
Maria R.
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