When women think, “I’m giving up my baby for adoption in Arizona”, they don’t realize that this is not really accurate. In open adoptions, birth mothers stay connected to the adopted child and family. Adoption reunification is a topic that is gaining a lot of attention in the media, reality shows, and mainstream television. Many birth mothers, after placing their baby for adoption, are motivated to make positive changes in their lives with the hopes that someday reunification will occur.
Often reunifications occur after the adoptee is 18 years old. Reunification is a highly emotional issue, as it often brings with it a difference in expectations, as well as a difference in the desired outcomes. Sometimes there is not an instant connection. The birth parent or adoptee is in a period of their life where they may not have the time, desire, or ability to invest in a new relationship. It is important to remember that relationships take time, sometimes, even when there is a biological connection. Patience, understanding, and grace are three components that increase the likelihood of a positive relationship for the future.
Giving up a Baby for Adoption in Arizona is the Wrong Way to View Adoption Today
There are more options for birth mothers today to not only choose the adoptive family but to decide if she wants a closed or open adoption. In closed adoptions, the birth mother has the opportunity to allow the adoption file to be opened. This enables the adoptee (at the age of 18) to identifying information such as the biological parents’ weights, heights, religions, race, etc. However, she also has the right to have her information withheld. For the closed adoptions that our agency has handled, 75% of them have no contact with the adoptive parents during the pregnancy.
In open adoptions, information regarding the identity of the birth mother and birth father (if known) is available. With open adoptions becoming more and more common, adoption reunifications are different than they used to be. Having had letters, pictures, and communication between the adoptive parents, biological parents, and the adoptee; it is less a reunification and more of a continued relationship and maybe an opportunity to invest in the relationship or take it to a deeper level.
Cultivating a Relationship can be a Beautiful Journey
The beautiful aspect of relationships is they can evolve, change, and become more meaningful over time. Sometimes, to cultivate a relationship it is necessary to plant a seed, water it and wait for it to grow. This analogy can be applied to many different types of relationships. If you are in a hurry to rush to the finish line, you won’t have time to enjoy the view along the way.
We are Here to Help if You are Asking “How do I Give up my Baby for Adoption in Arizona?”
If you are facing an unplanned pregnancy and considering adoption, a licensed adoption agency is your best option. Local Arizona licensed adoption agencies can meet with you face to face, hold your hand when needed, and can remain with you throughout your pregnancy. Building Arizona Families is an Arizona licensed adoption agency that can walk with you every step of the way when you choose to give up a baby for adoption in Arizona. We would love to hear from you to find out how we can help. You can call or text us 24/7 at 623.695-4112, or introduce yourself to us HERE.