Pregnant? Call or Text: 623.695.4112
Serving Pregnant Women Statewide With a Local Office Located in: Phoenix, Arizona
Adoptive Parents Call: 623.936.4729 or 800.340.9665

Life After Abortion and Alternatives to Abortion in Arizona

Life After Abortion and Alternatives to Abortion in Arizona

Women facing an unplanned pregnancy can feel overwhelmed, stressed out, depressed, fearful, even panicked.  We understand you may even be considering abortion as a solution. As you go through the decision making process, it’s important to know what women experience...
Birthmothers Aren’t Truly Giving up a Baby for Adoption in Arizona

Birthmothers Aren’t Truly Giving up a Baby for Adoption in Arizona

When women think, “I’m giving up my baby for adoption in Arizona”, they don’t realize that this is not really accurate. In open adoptions, birth mothers stay connected to the adopted child and family.  Adoption reunification is a topic that is gaining a lot of...
Thoughts of a Birthmother During Her Crisis Pregnancy in Arizona

Thoughts of a Birthmother During Her Crisis Pregnancy in Arizona

Over the past 50 years, adoption has evolved and can be compared to the image of a flower as it slowly opens up. Studies on adoption have primarily focused on adoptive parents and adopted children; 2 out of 3 corners of the adoption triad. What about the thoughts of...

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