Pregnant? Call or Text: 623.695.4112
Serving Pregnant Women Statewide With a Local Office Located in: Phoenix, Arizona
Adoptive Parents Call: 623.936.4729 or 800.340.9665

Many women have had abortions, and in talking with them, few would ever do it again.  Working with women who have had abortions and then choose adoption for their current pregnancy is so rewarding to see the joy in these women’s eyes! We never judge or question anyone about their past- ever!  Besides, who are we to judge anyway? What is important to us is what happens to both you and your baby during this pregnancy. Here and now. Building Arizona Families offers confidential, non-judgmental unwanted pregnancy options in Arizona for courageous women looking for an alternative to abortion. 

It is so important for everyone to know about the development of an unborn baby before making decisions about abortions and adoptions.  There is so much misinformation, lots of generalizations, and many myths about babies and perinatal development. Learning about your unborn baby can help you make an informed decision about what is best. So, let’s really look at what happens.  

The Development of a Baby During Pregnancy

Understanding the development of a baby during pregnancy is key to understanding why both the baby and the mother suffer during an abortion procedure. Most women and men don’t understand how quickly a baby develops inside the womb.  

Here is what happens after conception through the first twelve weeks of your pregnancy:

  • 18 Days (or two weeks and 4 days) after the sperm joins the egg:  The baby’s heart beats.
  • 52 Days (or 7 weeks and 3 days): Spontaneous movement begins. The unborn baby then develops a whole collection of moves over the next 4 weeks including the hiccups, frowning, squinting, furrowing the brow, pursing the lips, moving individual arms and legs, head turning, touching his/her face, breathing (without air), stretching, opening the mouth, yawning and sucking.
  • 8 weeks: All organs function and this is now a small-scale baby, at approximately 3 cm (1 1/8”) and weighing a gram (1/30gth oz.), yet well proportioned. Every organ is present. Baby’s heartbeat is steady. The stomach produces digestive juices. TheUnwanted pregnancy options in Arizona liver makes blood cells. Kidneys begin to function. Taste buds are forming.
  • 8 ½ Weeks: The unborn baby’s fingerprints are being engraved. Eyelids and palms of hands are sensitive to touch.
  • 9 Weeks: The unborn baby will bend fingers around an object placed in his/her palm. Unique fingerprints appear. Thumb sucking may occur.
  • 10 Weeks: The unborn baby’s body is sensitive to touch. He/she squints, swallows puckers up brow and frowns. Eyelids, fingerprints, and even fingernails are evident.
  • 10 Weeks: The baby can feel pain
  • 11 Weeks: The unborn baby now “practices” breathing, since he/she will have to breathe air immediately after birth. The baby urinates, and stomach muscles can now contract. Vocal cords and taste buds form. Facial expressions and even smiles are evident.
  • 12 weeks: The baby can smile. The baby’s sex can be visually determined, and the child’s eyes, ears, and face begin to display distinctive characteristics. He/she can kick, turn feet, curl and fan toes, make a fist, move thumbs, bend wrists, turn the head, open mouth and press lips tightly together.  The unborn baby is now about 3 inches long, weighing
    approximately 2 ounces. Fine hair begins to grow on his/her upper lip, chin, and eyebrows. The baby swallows and responds to skin stimulations.

Building Arizona Families Provides Practical Support for Women Considering Unwanted Pregnancy Options in Arizona

We understand your difficult circumstances and we want to help!  We can help you find joy, happiness, and peace in an adoption decision.  We want you to know that you are not alone and don’t have to go through your pregnancy alone.  The support we provide to pregnant women choosing adoption is all free and can include: safe housing, food, clothing, medical care, transportation, counseling, all adoption services, and even a cell phone!  Even better, we won’t forget about you after the baby has been placed with a family.  We will help you get on your feet – get your GED, career counseling, food and clothing assistance, and more so you can have a fresh start with your life.

Unwanted pregnancy options in ArizonaThe peace you gain from giving your baby the gift of life, and the joy you will be able to give an adoptive family with your adoption decision is immeasurable.  Building Arizona Families is here to support you as you go through every step of the journey. Go HERE for more information about unwanted pregnancy options in Arizona and how we can help.

There are alternatives to abortion for an unwanted pregnancy that don’t rob you or your baby of a future. If you want more information about the adoption services we provide, we are a non-profit, licensed and local Arizona adoption agency, visit us HERE. 

We are available to discuss your unwanted pregnancy options in Arizona at any time –  24/7 by phone or text at (623) 695-4112.  We can make an immediate appointment with you to get started on creating an Arizona Adoption Plan or you can introduce yourself to us HERE.  Be educated about alternatives to abortion and unwanted pregnancy options in Arizona; your future and your baby’s future can be bright!

With adoption, you are never alone, choose life.  #YouBeforeMe

Unwanted pregnancy options in Arizona



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Arizona Pregnancy Help | Adoption Resource
Unwanted pregnancy options in Arizona
Unwanted pregnancy options in Arizona
Unwanted pregnancy options in Arizona
Unwanted pregnancy options in Arizona
Building Arizona Families
Maria R.
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