Over the past 50 years, adoption has evolved and can be compared to the image of a flower as it slowly opens up. Studies on adoption have primarily focused on adoptive parents and adopted children; 2 out of 3 corners of the adoption triad. What about the thoughts of feelings of all the birthmothers with crisis pregnancies in Arizona? The remaining corner of the triad is the birthmothers, the corner of the adoption triad that has not been given the due attention deserved.
A Birthmother Deserves Our Attention About Her Crisis Pregnancy in Arizona
When discussing adoptions, in many instances birthmothers often garner the least attention. It is surprising as the birthmother is truly the trunk of the adoption tree. Without a birthmother, there is baby, and no adoption. There have been assumptions, myths, and stereotypes about birthmothers. We can address these as a result of supporting birthmothers experiencing crisis pregnancies in Arizona. The goal of this blog is to share insight into the mind and world of a birthmother.
First and foremost, birthmothers are just like anyone else. They may be your mother, sister, friend, aunt, neighbor, teacher, nurse, or the lady standing in front of you at the grocery store. The birthmothers we interact with regularly are women who have found themselves in a situation facing a crisis pregnancy in Arizona.
For their own personal reasons, birthmothers decide they are unable to or choose not to parent. A birthmother may be homeless, using drugs, mentally ill, incarcerated, a teenager, a student, married, or unmarried. Birth mothers don’t want to be asked about their adoption plan, their crisis pregnancy, or other personal questions. They fear judgment and condemnation. In almost every situation, their adoption choice was a difficult decision, and they need positive support.
A Birthmother Deserves Our Respect About Her Thoughts and Adoption Decisions
Thoughts of a birth mother may include some of the following:
- Please don’t judge me.
- I am trying to do the right thing for my baby.
- Don’t ask me how I can do this; I am still trying to figure that out.
- I am homeless, and I don’t want my baby to be homeless.
- I want to break the cycle and give my baby the chances I never had.
- I can’t provide for my baby, and that is really hard to accept.
- No, this isn’t easy, and no, my family does not want to raise my baby/I don’t want my family to raise my baby.
- I want you to accept me and my adoption decision.
Like every person on the planet, birthmothers want to be accepted. They want society to celebrate their adoption decision and understand that their choice was not made without serious introspection. An adoption journey is one that is easier when birthmothers are surrounded by support. We need to respect, honor, and celebrate a birthmother’s adoption decision.
Building Arizona Families is Here to Support and Care for Birthmothers
If you are struggling with a crisis pregnancy in Arizona and are considering adoption, we are here to help you. A licensed adoption agency is your best option. Local Arizona licensed adoption agencies can meet with you face to face, hold your hand when needed, and can remain with you throughout your pregnancy. Also, you can visit your caseworker after placement.
A local Arizona licensed adoption agency will be able to assist you with resources in your area and may even be able to provide transportation when needed. Visit us HERE to read more about birthmother assistance available. Building Arizona Families is a licensed adoption agency that can walk with you every step of the way. You can call or text us 24/7 at 623.695-4112, or introduce yourself to us HERE. We would love to hear from you to find out how we can help.