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Birth Mother Matters in Adoption Episode #56 – The Hardest Time for a Birth Mother

Birth Mother Matters in Adoption Episode #56 – The Hardest Time for a Birth Mother

Ron Reigns: Welcome. And thank you for joining us on Birth Mother Matters In Adoption with Kelly Rourke-Scarry, and me, Ron Reigns, where we delve into the adoption issues from every angle of the adoption triad. Speaker 2: Do what’s best for your kid and...
Birthmothers Aren’t Truly Giving up a Baby for Adoption in Arizona

Birthmothers Aren’t Truly Giving up a Baby for Adoption in Arizona

When women think, “I’m giving up my baby for adoption in Arizona”, they don’t realize that this is not really accurate. In open adoptions, birth mothers stay connected to the adopted child and family.  Adoption reunification is a topic that is gaining a lot of...
Giving Up a Baby For Adoption in Arizona While Pregnant and Homeless

Giving Up a Baby For Adoption in Arizona While Pregnant and Homeless

Last year an estimated 9,865 people experienced homelessness in Arizona. 792 were family households, 893 were veterans, 638 were young adults, and 1,774 were individuals experiencing chronic homelessness. Being homeless is difficult, and being pregnant and homeless is...

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